Chapter 22

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The two of them started were just circling each other trying to find an opening to strike at. They growled angrily and gave each other dirty looks. I was biting my lower lip in fear, that anything can happen. They stopped circling and ran into battle. They lounged for each other, Derek went on the offensive and sent numerous strike after my father, trying to back him up into a corner. However, my father jumped over Derek and tried to get him from behind, but Derek side stepped and avoid the attack. Both of them knew what they were doing, they had a lot of experience when it came to fight. 

My father just avoid a strike from Derek and kicked dust into his eyes. Derek was temperately blinded and my father to advantage of that. He bit down hard on Derek's shoulder and Derek let and whine of pain. He tried to shake my father, but my father only bit down harder. Then Derek ran straight to a nearby tree and rammed my father into it. My let out a cry and released his bite on Derek. Derek bit one of his front paws and tossed my father across the ground, like a rag doll. Dad was stumbled to get back up and Derek stalked toward him, limping because of his bad shoulder. They lounged and claw at each other restarting the fight. Their coats stained with their blood and their bodies covered in cuts. I was watching in silence with tears stream in down my eyes, forcing myself to watch. 

Then they got into a struggle, as both of them went for each others necks. My dad stroke first but Derek quickly evaded and landed his jaws and my fathers neck. He lifted his up and body slammed him to the ground and he let out a loud yelp. Derek clenched down on my fathers neck and waited to for my father next decision, either admit defeat and submit or die by the snap of a neck, it was his choice. Being to stubborn and full of pride my father growled in refusal, and I could see Derek was going kill him. He placed his paw on my fathers ribs and was about to break his neck, when I stepped before it got too late.

"Stop!!!" I shouted, earning everyone's attention. "Please! No more, don't do it, his my father!"

I ran up to Derek, bent down on my knees and throw my arm around his wolf neck and begged him to stop what he was about to do. Tears streaming down my cheeks and my pleading eyes looked into his. A moment of silence lingered, then Derek, reluctantly, released my fathers neck. My father shifted back to human form, to tired to maintain being a wolf and a warrior came gave Derek some shorts and he went behind a tree to change. A few moments later, he came out with the shorts on, I ran into his arms and cried my ass off and he whisper soothing word into my ears.

"Shhhhh. Don't worry, it's over. I'm sorry," He cooed me.

"Nela..." My father mumble as Kim's father helped him to his feet. "Please, come-" 

"No Daddy!" I cut him off. "Look, whether you like it or not, I love Derek and no one could replace him!"

I put my foot down and my Derek gave me a reassuring smile.

"And if you can't accept that and respect my wishes, then you can just leave." I concluded.

"But, Nela," My father held disbelief in his eyes, but I did not waver. He understood that that was my finally answer and started walking away, along with Kim's father and the rest of Moon Claw also well. Derek wrapped his arm around me and gave a quick embrace and we all left for home. That got out of hand so fast as if dealing with the Rouges wasn't enough, now I have to deal with family issues too, great.

We got back to the pack a half an hour later, the whole car ride was quiet, no talking, no questions, just quiet. When we arrived home, I asked one of the pack warriors to get me a first aid kit so I could treat Derek's injuries. They didn't look to back, so I didn't see any reason to get the pack doctor. The same warrior I asked, returned with the first aid in his hands a few moments later. I thanked him and he gave me a smile in reply and went about his business. I sat Derek down on the in our room and then I got to work on his wounds.

"Okay, this might sting a bit," I warned him, getting ready to put on some stinging ointment on his shoulder.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed. "That hurt!"

"Oh suck it up, your an Alpha," Hard to believe his bawling just for that. "Plus I told you it was going to sting."

"Sorry, I didn't mean shout at you," He apologized. 

"It's okay," I wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his check. He then growled in approval and turn around so we could face each other. "Would you have really killed my father if I didn't stopped you?"

"I-I really don't know," He could think of the right words just yet. "I was so worried that they would take you from me, and I just got you to accept me too. After the horrible way I tried you at first and marking you without your consent, a small part of me thought you would have left with them, leaving me here, alone."

My eyes watered, kind of hurt that he would actually think I would leave him, after I already forgave him for the way he acted.

"Oh Derek, I already told you I forgave you and I am mature enough to see that you only acted that way for my well-being," I said, reassuringly. "I will admit that I was hurt at first and I thought all hope was lost, but in the end you came to your senses and explained everything and I finally got to see the really you and with that, I am happy with you."

I looked him in the eyes and I saw all kinds of mixed emotions in them and he gave me a heart warming smile.

"I love you, so much. I am bless to have a mate like you." He stared back at me.

"Me too, but much more," I returned my affections.

We stare into each others eyes, and we leaned in and kissed, passionate and deeply.



Sorry if I have been updating that much guys, I have a lot going on. I understand if you have take my book out from your libraries, but I am going to try and update more like before. If you like this or any other chapter please vote, comment and share this book with your friends. Thanks for reading


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