Chapter 5

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A/N: The bedroom is the pic above, but it's bigger and I will be adding some more things to it. It also says what is what so... Sorry! Okay carry on.



*Ocean's P.O.V*

Dylan was allowed to stay so I made him carry me to my room.

With snacks....

What? I'm kind of desperate......
Nah okay I'm just lazy.

But we're skipping that.

Dylan came back up with arms full of food and he was kicking my crutches into my room.

"Thanks Dyl!" I shouted with a smile.

"Oh let's hope you can get that cast off soon." He huffed making me giggle.

"You can set the stuff on my bed. I'll set up Netflix so we can have a sleepover!" I shouted again.

"Now.... You can go home and get some clothes, there is a key in the birdhouse if Ash, or someone locks the door. I need to take a shower and get everything set up.. I'll get Ash if I need help." I said then stood up.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Bring some funny pajamas. I have a plan." I smiled again, my smile turning into a devilish smirk.

"Aye aye captain!" Dylan shouted then ran outside.

*After shower, limping, and setting up everything*

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted

Dylan and Ashton walked through the door.

"The guys will be here soon, you guys have fun. But not too much fun." Ashton said making me burst out laughing.

"Ashton I'm gay." Dylan said with a smile playing on his face.

Ashton turned tomato red making me laugh again.

"Oh... The guys will be here soon." He said then left.

We got changed and I turned on Netflix.

"I love your pajamas" me and Dylan said at the same time.

"Jinx! Double jinx! Triple jinx! TWINSIES! Oh my god!" We shouted at the same time again, making us burst out laughing.

Someone knocked on the door, meaning the boys where here.

"Hey Dyl, before I start here's the plans." I said then whispered in his ear.

"Let's do it!" He said.

I sat down on a bright pink beanbag, Dylan sat on the black one right next to me. We could hear shouting from downstairs. I tried opening some candy, only to have the package burst open and get it all over me.

We laughed until we were bright red.

"Dylan, I know I just met you, but you are seriously the best!" I raised my voice with each word.

We watched Toy story then decided it was time.

"Dylan you know what to do." I said and he picked me up, walking downstairs silently.

We found the boys in the living-room playing the X-Box. More importantly, my X-Box!

Dylan leaned me against a wall, the went upstairs to grab my speaker, microphones, and phone. He came downstairs and I turned off the lights, we had X-Ray goggles on and I tied some string to the light switch, and set a timer for the television to turn off. At that moment the television turned off and everyone shrieked, making us smirk. Dylan set up everything and have me a microphone, carrying me over and helping me onto a chair, he stood on the table. The boys were wondering around trying to find the switch. I nodded my head and the music started. I turned the lights on (moving the string) and we shouted the lyrics to What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

Everyone was staring at us while we just laughed most of the time. I nodded my head toward Dylan again, and we got silly string from our pockets, spraying it at them.

Once the mini war moment was over Dylan picked me up and ran towards my room, everyone laughing.

When we got in my room I shouted for Ashton.

When he knocked I told him to bring the stuff up with a please.

Ashton brought me my phone.

"I love you Drop." Ashton said.

"I love you too, Ashy" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Ashton always called me Drop. I sometimes called him Drip. He calls me Drop because it's like we are all a Drop in the ocean (my name is Ocean, if you didn't understand.) I call him Drip because he is my other half.

Together we are Drip and Drop.

He also knows that this was the most fun I've had, since basically forever. And how much I hate people just barging into my room. Although, Dylan and Ashton could be an exception.  

We watched Toy Story 2 and 3 when we started getting tired.

I got up and using my crutches, walked/limped towards my bed, opening Hunter's cage that was on my bedside table.

"Dyl, meet Hunter" I said, picking Hunter out of his cage and putting him on the palm of my hand.

"I 'trained' him myself" I stated proudly.

We played around with Hunter for a while before putting him back in his cage.

"Dyl we are sharing the bed. No excuses" I said,  leaning my crutches on the wall. Dylan got in bed and we watched more Disney movies.

"Thank you Dyl. Your the best" I said.

I fell asleep in the middle of Aladdin, cuddling my stuffed tiger that Ash won me for my 7th birthday. 

Today was the best, I can't wait for tomorrow. And for the first time, I feel happy.

A/N: What do you think? Here is another update. I hope you Enjoy!

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