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Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes.

p.s. please read a/n at the end and my hands fell asleep.
have a good day! ^_^

*Ocean's P.O.V*

I slowly opened my eyes, only to have them land on the sleeping blonde beside me.
A small smile found its way onto my face.
Then it happened.

I felt the acid rise into my throat.
I leaped off of the sofa, Luke's arms falling off my waist and by his side.

I rushed towards the bathroom, letting every content that was in my stomach, go.

By now soft hands were around my hair and tears were falling off my face, and another was rubbing my back.

As soon as I stopped, I fell to my
knees, tugging the person with me downwards slightly.

I felt my hair being tied up and a pair hands holding mine.

"You okay?" I like his morning voice.
I nodded, feeling slightly dizzy.
"Want me to call Ash?" Nodding once more, a hand left mine and you could hear a phone unlock.

I felt cold without the touch.

"Hello?" I could faintly hear.
"Ocean is here and sh-" Luke was cut off my a scream.
"IM ON MY WAY!" I heard him scream, then a car start.

"He will be here soon, don't worry." he whispered.

We sat in silence on the bathroom floor. He didn't want to leave me because he was scared I might puke blood then faint. But I could understand and respect that.

We soon heard pounding on the door.

"Stay." Luke spoke, putting his hand out.

"Woof." I spoke, putting my hands out like a begging dog. He just rolled his eyes then left.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SH- whoah who threw a rabid squirrel at you?" Ash asked, kneeling down.

I just shook my head.

"Right. Are you okay are you dead..." he trailed off, before I could do anything Luke entered the room handing me some medicine. I nodded as a thanks, he got the hint and nodded back, leaving the room.

I downed the medicine, looking at the human right in front of me. I leaned over to hug him but stopped mid-way and leaned over the toilet, puking once more.

"Well shit! Who put poison in your cornflakes this morning?" Ash mumbled, rubbing my back.

"Do you need a doctor...?" He has never been good with this.

I threw my phone at him.

"He-OW! FUCK WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I looked to my side and saw Ashton holding the middle of his head.

I bursted into hysterics while he just pouted. He walked out of the bathroom, going to find a band-aid.

Luke walked back into the bathroom right after.

"Would you like to take a shower?" He asked.
"You know if I stink that bad you could have just said so," I laughed lightly while he just blushed.

"That's not what I-" "It's fine Luke, if love to, let me just get my clo-" "I'll get you some, yours are in the washer, I'll have Ash bring them in." He spoke calmly.

I just nodded and turned on the shower. I shut the door with a sigh. "Okay..." I stripped from my clothing and moved my head away from any sight of the mirror.

I stepped into the shower, the scalding water turning my skin pink then red. I ignored my burning skin and washed all the dirt and unknown substances from my hair, the water flowing down the drain as a light brown.

I took the shampoo and massaged my scalp just as the bathroom door opened.

I could see the silhouette of a body enter the room, making me cower back slightly in fear.

I let out a sigh of relief as they set clothes on the counter and left.

Left me with my thoughts and emotions.

*Ashton's P.O.V.*

I walked into the bathroom, setting a pair of clothes down on the counter top. Looking up into the foggy mirror I noticed.

I noticed the bags under my eyes.

I noticed my blotchy cheeks.

I noticed my bloodshot eyes.

I noticed I looked like Dracula.

But most of all I noticed the scars on Ocean's hand as she picked up the shampoo bottle.

I sighed in slight shock and tiredness as I walked out once more, closing the door shut.

Where was she all this time? I asked myself.

I walked into the family room to see Luke watching spongebob.

I sat down beside him, staring at the wall.

What if she was hurt?

What if she was kidnapped?

What if she was tackled by a wild kangaroo?

What if Elmo is slowly taking over the world and kept her as a slave?

What if she was eaten by a walrus and was a ghost?

OM MY GOD IS SHE A GHOST? (my ghost where'd you go..?)

I slightly panicked, but it all faded away as Luke turned to me.

"Ash," "What?" I groaned then made an un-humane noise.

"Well I- well.. are you okay?" I knew he wanted to ask something else but I put it aside for now.

"I just," I paused then thought about what I was going to say.

"Where was she? How did you find her? Why does she have scars on her hand? Why" "I don't know, she knocked on my door this morning around 3 am, and I have no idea, stop asking questions."

I could tell he was tired.

"But-" I was cut off by the bathroom door opening.

I was so distracted I didn't notice the shower turn off.

A/N: I need a friend. Someone please message me so we can become bffs because I'm going through a tough time and I just need to find a rock/anchor. I need someone.
Please. I don't care if your a guy kor a girl, gay, bi, or straight, poor or rich, I just need someone to talk to.

Hurricane :: L.HWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt