Chapter 6

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A/N: UNEDITED and Happy Valentines Day! I love you all!


*Ocean's P.O.V*

I woke up around 8 (American time). I tried standing up, but me being me I forgot about my crutches and fell on the floor.

Dylan woke up as soon as I fell and rushed towards my side.

"Thanks Dyl" I said with a small smile.

"No problem Sea. Now can we eat? I'm hungry!" He whined making me laugh.

We were already late for school, but we decided not to go today, we were being lazy but we didn't care either.

We didn't bother changing, Dylan walked downstairs in hamster pajamas carrying me and my crutches.

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs I used my crutches and we headed towards the kitchen.

It might have been weird, I mean a giant hamster and Pokémon (with a bright pink cast on her left foot) were walking towards the kitchen. For food.

But who doesn't want some food?

What we weren't counting on was the band was in the kitchen.

"Hi!" I chirped and went towards the stove.

"Hi" everyone mumbled.

"Who wants food?" I asked, putting the chef hat I made in second grade on my head.






"Okie dokie!" I then made a stack of pancakes, some bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Vegemite anyone?" I received four yes' and then I was done. Surprisingly I didn't fall while making this.

But, then again, I burnt myself several times while making the food.

Nobody spoke. It was quiet, besides the scraping of silverware, slight noise of food, and when I sneezed.

I cleared my throat.

"I'm Ocean" I said with a small smile, I probably looks really weird in a Pokémon onesie.

"I'm Michael, that's Calum and Luke. I'm guessing you already know Ashton though..." The one with green eyes said, nodding towards each person.

"I'm Dylan" Dylan spoke suddenly, making me jump.

I coughed awkwardly and stood up, taking my crutches and going to the bathroom.

I took my pills and used the bathroom.

Once I was done I noticed the tension in the air, and the silence that was unbearable.

His voice hasn't been here for awhile. Weird.

"Ash can I walk to you?" I asked leaning against the hallway.

"Uh sure." Ash coughed out.

"THE AWKWARDNESS IS REAL!" I screamed and backed away.

Once we were out of sigh I spoke up.

"Ash, he hasn't been here for awhile. I'm scared."

Tears were now prickling in my eyes, one streamed down my face.

"I'll look after you. Don't worry." Ash said then whiles away my tears.

"Okay let's go back."

We walked/limped in and then I spoke up.

"20 questions anyone?"

A/N: The next chapter will be about 20 questions. After I might skip the time. I'm not sure. Happy Valentines 2016 everybody!

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