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*Recap*: Looking down I noticed.
This is a 5 story building.
That's just great.
"HEY SHE'S ESCAPING." A guard yelled.
So I did what I had to do.
I jumped, into a tree.

-Ocean & Luke
-Ocean & Michael
-Ocean & Calum
-Ocean & whoever else.

Thank you and I will update more often.

Quote: "I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye."

*Ocean's P.O.V.*

I jumped, catching onto a tree-branch. I could hear the yelling, guns loading, and the small clink of knives hitting each other.
I looked down.

"You can do this, just use the skill you have from that one gymnastics practice you had in fourth grade." I whispered to myself.

You're probably thinking, you have selective mutism, why you talking to those bitches?
Well I already talked to them and I wouldn't give up the chance to kick their asses.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Jump.

My eyes shot open and I jumped down, rolling forward right as the last second so I didn't get as hurt.


Shit. shiT. sHit. shIt. SHit. ShIt. ShiT. sHIt. sHiT. SHIt. ShIT. sHIT. SHiT. SHIT!

I started running towards the fence, knowing I'd have to get to the closes house asap.

I reached the fence, climbing upwards, noticing it was now locked again.



I couldn't get over this one part.
Damn shortness.

Jump. No.
Jump. No.
Jump. No.
Jump. Grab.

I looked up to meet a smiling Dylan. I gave a small smile back as he pulled me over.

We both fell down, me falling on him.

"Thanks Dyl." He just groaned and nodded. I got up and ran to the motorcycle.
"I missed you baby." I whispered and I kissed it. 
"Hey, not the time Sea."
I just nodded, hopping on.

"Where to?"

"Go home I'll be at someone's house."

"That doesn't help."

"I'm going to the closest house here."

"Eh you lucky I'm tired."

He climbed into the van, right as the guys opened the fence.

"Shit. Wait, sorry shit.."
I sped off.


I was still going, finally noticing where we were. Hmm. Then I remembered.

Turning left, I finally reached my destination.
I parked and ran to the door, knocking.

I heard the slight patter of footsteps reach the door and the click of a lock.

The door swung open revealing the person I was looking for.

"Ocean what are you doing here at-" he paused looking at his phone, "three in the morning?"

When he looked up again he finally noticed how awful I looked.

"Fuck, come inside." I walked inside, looking around.

"You have a nice home." I whispered. I could hear his sharp intake of breath.

I turned around, looking at him. "Where's the toilets?"

He just pointed down the hall, me nodding as a thanks.
I walked until I saw a bathroom.

"Hey, could I borrow some clothes? Mine are all, um... torn.." I asked, giving a small smile.
Nodding, he went upstairs to get a pair.
I walked inside the bathroom, going through a cabinet. What? my breath smells like death. I found a toothbrush, I opened the package and found his toothpaste.
I finished brushing my teeth as a knock was heard.

I opened the door to meet his eyes.
"You talked.."
I nodded, taking the clothes.

I looked back in the mirror, disgusted by myself.I took off my ripped shirt, forgetting to close the door.

I looked at the whip marks on the sides of my body.

"Ocean..." I hummed, looking up to meet his beautiful eyes. "What happened?"

I shook my head, and shut the door. I changed and walked out, carrying my ripped clothes.

I walked down the hallway, almost colliding with a chest.

"Sorry, I made you some tea."
I took the cup, drinking the entire thing in no-time. Looking up, I gave the puppy eyes and pouted my lips. I held the cup out, silently asking him for some more tea.

He chuckled

His chuckle was slightly lower than his actual voice. I shook the cup in my hands again.

Then he laughed. His laugh was higher than his voice and chuckle, making it sound like soft Christmas bells. His eyes crinkled slightly as he laughed harder, and his breath became shorter.

I pouted again and walked into the kitchen. I'm sorry I'm thirsty and a tiny bit hungry.

He soon noticed my presence was no longer there and he ran into the kitchen, stopping right in-front of me. "Your tall." I whispered.

Shaking his head he picked me up and carried me on his wide shoulders.

He made me tea and gave me a cookie.

Walking back into the sitting room he put me down. Turning on spongebob, he turned to me.

I set my clothes on the floor.

"I hope you're okay."I faced him and leaning into his side, sipping the tea. Noticing his stiffness, I tried to move but his arm wrapped around me making my smile and put the cup on the coffee table.

My eyelids dropped slightly and I yawned.

"Goodnight princess." he said, kissing my head,
as we cuddled.

"Goodnight Lukey."

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