Chapter 2

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Their wish was slowly coming true.

Hers, wasn't.

*Ocean's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sun shining brightly throughout the room, and raindrops lightly plastered on the window panes.

My annoying alarm clock went off, making me groan. I got up and took a shower, getting dressed in a batman T-shirt, black skinny jeans, put on my bracelets, and my black beanie.

I picked up my school work and walked downstairs slowly, making breakfast for me, Ashton, Harry, Lauren, and our mother.

As I put a plate of pancakes down on the already set table, a sleepy Ashton and Harry walked downstairs and collapsed on the chairs, making me chuckle slightly.

"Well hello to you to" I said, another light chuckle escaping my lips.

Then nodded, tiredly and ate breakfast. No words spoken in between.

After a slightly awkward silence, Harry left to get ready for school.

"Hey Ash?" I asked. "Yeah?" "You have band practice later?" "Yes, why?" "Can I come watch? I mean I don't have anything to do today except tag something." "Sure, I'll pick you up after school" "Yay! Thanks Ashy!" And then he left for school, me to the hell hole.

*At school*

I walked into class just as the bell rung. Our teacher, Mr. Kingston, is always five minutes late. As I sat down at a seat, in the back, Daisy, Celeste, Danielle, Belle, and Ivy came up to me.

They are the popular slutty, caked-faced bitches that get every boy wants in their pants.

"Hey slut!" Daisy spat in my face. I just kept ignoring her. This is usual.

"Slut" "Loser" "Bitch" "Fatty" "Whore" they all said at once, then left, not even trying to continue conversation.

*Time Skip - 6th period*

I was walking through the halls to math. The stupid comments being thrown at me from all directions.

I was shoved on the floor, my math books falling out of my hands and onto the disgusting school floor that nobody cleans. I tried standing up, only to be kicked in the stomach.

The popular bitches came up and started kicking me. Soon the jocks made their way up to me. A small crowd forming around us.

The jocks kicked, punched, slapped, and stepped on me. One of them, Jason, stepped on my ankle.

A deafening crack echoed throughout the corridors.

The warning bell rung and everyone scurried through the hallways, trying to get to their designated classrooms.

I was left on the filthy tiled floor, bleeding out from several places.

As soon as black spots started coving my vision, footsteps raced across the hallway.

"Stay awake"A male voice said, picking me up. "No promises" I muttered and suddenly I was enveloped in darkness.

(I'm going to keep going, sorry it's lame so far.)
*Time Skip - after school-*

I woke up to a beeping noise. I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital room, and a bright pink cast was on my foot.

"Hello?" I croaked out, my throat being slightly dry.

"Hey!" The same male voice said. "Are you okay?" "I'm sorry but who are you?" "Oh right! I'm Dylan!" "Hi Dylan, I'm sore. Why am I here? And why is this giant pink sock on my leg!" He stayed silent.

"Dylan..." "Jason" was all he said before
Dr. Will walked in. "Nice to see your awake Ocean, you have to use crutches until you ankle heals." I shot him a questioning look. "You broke it. It's quiet serious, I need you to come back in two months for a checkup on it."

He handed me some crutches.

"You are very lucky to have this young man" he said, referring to Dylan. "Oh no.." I got cut off by Dylan, "thank you. Ocean lets go" he said making me glare at him.

I got up and grabbed my crutches, while Dylan signed me out.

"So Ocean.." He said as we got into his car. "So Dylan.." I said mocking him.

We set off towards my house, talking the entire way.

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