"No,I graduated 2 years of college already.For hairdressing and cosmetology.I was and early grad."

"Impressive."I smiled."You're hired."

"Really?!I mean thanks.When do I start."

"The construction won't be done for about another three days.But I could use your help on this floor.Is tomorrow ok?"

"Of course.Thank you so much."

"Thank you.And one more question.Have you worked somewhere like this before?"

"Yes,I know all policy's and eveyhting.And plus,I shop here A whole lot."She smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then.Dress code is pink.As long as you have pink,you'll be fine.Have a nice day."I took my purse and walked out.I closed the door and called Lizzy.

"Guess what Bitch."I said into the phone as I walked down the hall.


"I got a job at Victoria secret."

"NO WAY!You are so giving me coupons and all that shit."I laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"With Andrew."

"You guys have been together since yesterday."

"I know,we have been talking and getting to know eachother."

"Since when did you do that?"I got in my car and closed the door.

"Since we met each other.I really like him Alora.I don't know,I mean we only had sex once.That is like a record for me.And obviously I want to do it again.But I don't want us to be all about sec.I want to spend some actual time with him and get to know him ya know."

"Awe.I think that is the sweetest thing you have ever said.Where is he,can't he hear you?"

"No,he is in the bathroom.And I feel like he wants the same thing too.He hasn't asked about another round at all.He only compliments my talent."I laughed.

"I'll be right over.I am leaving the mall right now."

"OK,Love ya bitch."

"Love ya bitch."

I hung up and pulled out of the parking lot.


"I'm home."I put my keys in the key bowl and took my sneakers off.

"Hey.I have a deal to make with you."I hung my jacket up.

"Which is?"

"You and I on a double date."I took the mail and read through the names.

"I don't have a date."She smiled."What?"

"Andrew,Caleb,you and I!"I put the mail on the counter and took out an orange.

"No way.Remember what I said.I don't do dates."

"Come on,you have been talking to this guy for days.You went to his house for god's sake.Do it for me."She begged.

"What are we doing and what time?"

"Just dinner and maybe go to time square.We leave in 2 hours."I nodded and went into my room.


"I have no idea what to wear!"I yelled.I was covered in clothes."Wait!"I picked my floral skirt out,my white sweetheart neckline shirt."Perfect."


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