-Happy Birthday Ruki-

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Genre- I can't put it any better than birthday sex.
Days Taken to Write- Try hours.
Status- Rushed, tired.
~Author Note~
Hello Lovelies. This is my first Kaiki and I'm not sure if I should be proud or not for writing this in just under two hours.
But with the return of school this is probably my worst oneshot that I've put up because of how rushed it is. It was meant to be finished yesterday but I had really bad writers block so I had to rush it today for Ruki's birthday. I was super worried that I wouldn't have it up in time.
Anyway here's this. Happy Birthday, Ruki!!!


~Ruki's P.O.V~

Spending my day at the studio editing songs and pv's was not what I originally planned on doing for my thirty-third birthday.

Thirty-three years. And to think I've only been a musician for about 15 of those years. A fresh-faced eighteen year old adolescent with a drum in a less than successful band just starting off in the world of music. And now look at me; one of the most successful male rock artists in Japan and perhaps even in world music.

The computer screen in front of me began to blur as I delved deeper into my thoughts.
What will life give me this year? What will I achieve? How long will this run for?
So many questions, too many that don't have answers.

I let a sigh escape my lips and continued my work, pushing the scattered thoughts aside just as the manger walked into the recording studio.

"Ne, Ruki," He adressed me, grinning widely, "Otanjōbi omedatō gozaimasu."
I gave a small smile and bowed my head, "Arigato."
"How many more do you have left?" He asked, pointing at the laptop in front of me.
"Too many." I sighed.
He breathed a laugh and patted me on the shoulder, "Ano, when you're done with that one you can go home and celebrate. You shouldn't be here on your birthday."

A small surge of joy flushed my chest hearing this amazing news. I can go home and see my love! Kai and the others didn't have to be here today which made me jealous.

"Arigato!" I called as the manager left.

I looked back to the screen with a new determination. Let's get this finished!


After another hour of editing that one song, I'd finally left the surprisingly quiet studio to return home. I checked the time on my watch. Is that the time already?! 6:30pm?! I swore it was only 3 o'clock five minutes ago.
Walking to the car park I felt my phone buzz in the front pocket of my super tight black skinny jeans. Don't ask me how I got the phone in there, I just did.
I pulled it out and unlocked it to view the message.

«Noseless (・=・) » Otanjōbi Omedetō, Midget! *・゜゚・*:....:*'(**)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

I smiled but pouted, reading the last part. I replied back to the noseless idiot I call Reita.

«Midget Diva |( ̄3 ̄)|» Excuse me, I am fun-sized!! And thank you (^з^)-☆

I received a new message but this one was from Uruha.

«Ducklips(^y^)» Ne, Otanjōbi omedetō, Ru-kun!

I replied a thank you to him and received the inevitable third message from the raven of our group.

«Koneko Fuji (=^ω^=)» Otanjōbi omedetō, diva! Love, the superstar of Japan! ☆*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*☆

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