-Can't Sleep {Original}-

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~Author Note~
I promised that I would post it, didn't I? Anyway, this is the first draft of 'Can't Sleep'. I decided I didn't like it because it was too short but I fixed it up and that happened to be Sunday nights oneshot. This isn't much different (just shorter) but I hope you enjoy it none-the-less!


~Aoi's P.O.V~

Where was that buzzing coming from? I blindly searched for my phone amongst my bed sheets until I found the annoying little box.
I looked at the I.D. Uruha? What's he calling me for at 11 at night?
I answered before it stopped ringing.

"Moshi-moshi*, Uruha. What's the matter?" I heard him sob and I shot up, fully awake.

"T-Tora hit m-me again." He sobbed again and it made my heart shatter. I can love him so much better than that asshole Tora can.

"I'm on my way. You're staying here tonight." I hung up and quickly changed before running out of my apartment and to my car out front.


I arrived just as I heard a glass hit a surface. I ran to the door and burst in, seeing that Uruha was crying in a corner while Tora was going on some mad rampage. Tora hadn't seen me when he ran upstairs.
I crept over to Uruha and wrapped my jacket around him, "Let's go before he sees me." He gave me a quick nod and I picked him up bridal-style.


~Uruha's P.O.V~

"Tora, please stop!" Tora slapped me as more tears fell.

"Shut up, slut! I know you've probably spread your legs for all of Japan by now." I sobbed and crawled into a corner, pulling my knees to my chest.

I pulled out my phone and dialled the first name in my contacts; Aoi.

"Moshi-moshi, Uruha. What's the matter?" He sounded husky like he'd just woken up.

"T-Tora hit m-me again." I sobbed and I could hear rustling through the phone.

"I'm on my way. You're staying here tonight." Aoi hung up and I sobbed into my knees as Tora began throwing things.


I followed Aoi to his apartment and waited for him to open the door.
We walked in and I was surprised at how clean it was. The colour scheme consisted of blacks and whites and it looked very modern. I'd only ever been here once to pick up an amp.

"Stay here for a minute. I'll be back with some night clothes." He smiled and disappeared down the hallway to what I assumed to be his bedroom.

I looked across to a little end table covered in pictures; there were some of us and the others and some of his family. What stood out most were the countless pictures of the two of us, whether it be back stage being weird or behind the scenes of a music video. There were so many. I picked my favourite one up; it was a picture of us with very little makeup on and I was making a half-pout-half-duck face. I smiled and set the picture down as Aoi came back into the room.
He set some blankets and a pillow down and handed me an oversized shirt.

"Biggest shirt I had." He laughed.

I smiled and took the shirt from him. His hand brushed mine for a second and I felt a shiver run up my spine. "Thank you." I walked past him and to the bathroom at the end of the hall.
After I'd changed and returned to the living room, I found that Aoi had set the couch for me.

"I'm just up the hall if you need anything." I nodded and sat on the couch.

"Oyasumi*, Aoi." he flicked the light off and walked away.



I laid on my back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I just couldn't sleep. I'm not sure if it's because I'm thinking about how much of an ass Tora is or if it's because Aoi has always been there for me through all the tears and bruises. Or if it's because this couch is so damn hard!
I sat up and punched the couch. I rubbed my face and went to the bathroom. It was at the end of the hall where Aoi's bedroom was; his door was open and I could see that he was laying face-down with a leg hanging off of the bed with no shirt on. I bit my lip and smiled before continuing my, ahem, duties.


I walked out of the bathroom and I saw that Aoi was sitting up, legs hanging over the edge of his bed. I stood in his doorway; the shirt hung at my mid-thigh making it look like I had no underwear on. He looked up, giving me a tired smile.

"Can't sleep?" I asked, taking a step closer.

"You too? I thought it was just me. Too much going on up here." He gestured to his temple and breathed a laugh.

I walked across the space and sat next to him, knee to knee. "Indulge me."

Aoi placed a hand on my cheek and closed the space between us, catching my lips with his own. He pulled away and smiled.

"That's what I've been thinking about," he lightly brushed his lips against mine, causing me to shiver. "Your lips on mine."

He pulled me into another kiss and I wrapped my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss.
I felt Aoi's tongue slip across my lips, asking for entrance. I parted my lips and quickly allowed him to dominate my mouth with his tongue.
His hands trailed down to my waist and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him.
It came to the part where we both desperately needed a breath. When we did part I whispered in Aoi's ear, "I want you," before nipping his ear lobe.

Seemingly stunned but not at all concerned about what I'd said, he wrapped his hands around my waist and flipped us over so he was on top and began molesting my neck.

I tilted my head to allow him more room and let him work on the hickey I could feel forming whilst I trailed my hands down his bare back. I stopped at the band of his boxers and snapped the elastic before sliding them down his legs. He kicked them off and ripped my own boxers off. I sat up and took my shirt off before I was pushed back onto the bed by Aoi's strong hands.

"Suck." He pushed two fingers into my mouth and I obeyed his order. He pulled them out after a minute and slowly slid a finger into my entrance. He thrust it at a slow and steady pace before slipping the second finger in. He began scissoring his fingers and pulled away, repositioning himself between my legs.

He slowly pushed forward until he was completely in.

"Can I move?" He asked and all I could do was nod as his member filled my insides.

Aoi began moving at a slow pace until he sped up a little. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

I let out a moan as he hit a certain spot.

"There it is." He kept hitting that spot, causing me to arch my back off of the bed.

I dug my nails into the skin of his back and bit my lip as the pain and pleasure surged through me.

"Motto hayaku, motto fukaku, Aoi." I panted and Aoi obeyed, speeding up. I pushed against him as his thrusts kept speeding. He hit my prostate and I let out a loud moan.

He kept hitting my prostate until I could feel myself coming close.

"Aoi, I'm gonna come soon."

"Then come." He smiled and kissed me as the liquid finally squirted between our stomachs.

Soon after, Aoi stiffened and filled me with his warm seed.
He collapsed on top of me and we both panted hysterically. I stroked his head that laid on my chest and a soft moan erupted from his throat, tickling my stomach.

I laughed and hugged him closer to me.

It was quiet for a while until Aoi spoke, "I love you, Uruha."

"I love you too, Aoi."


~Author Note~
Like I said, it's not that different. Really, the only difference is that Aoi only has a small P.O.V and it's worded a little differently. Until Sunday lovelies!

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