-Mile High {Rivalries}-

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Plot- the GazettE are on their private jet to their next tour in Mexico. Ruki gets super bored so Reita entertains him.
Pairings- Reituki, Aoiha ft Kaionnaise.
Genre- Sex, Comedy, Band, Smut.
Days Taken to Write- 4 days.
Status- Just 'cause I could while listening to Disorder (Anti-Pop) and Spermargarita and watching Amazing Spider-Man 2.
~Author Note~
Hello my lovelies. My holidays have been so boring. I need Christmas to hurry up.
Anyway, I saw a picture of the guys at the airport in Mexico during the 2013 tour and I thought I could have some fun. This is the result. Sank you all for weading! ( ^ω^ )


~Reita's P.O.V~

17 hour flight from Tokyo to Mexico; oh boy. The flight's making my head hurt; funny thing is that we're the only ones on the plane. Yeah, GazettE upgraded to a private jet! We rock!
But being 30,000 feet in the air for 2 hours already can do that to you. I hope I'll be fit enough to perform. I really badly want to do a live.
I think the others are feeling it, too.
Uruha isn't feeling well so Aoi took him into the small bedroom at the back of the plane and Kai disappeared up the front to the dining cabin to drown himself in mayonnaise.
That left Ruki and I in the middle of the plane.
I think Ruki's feeling it most of all, though. He has to sing in only two days so I'd be a little weary, too.
He laid his head on my shoulder as I tuned my bass. "I don't feel well and I'm bored! Make me feel better. Entertain me!" He whined and clung to my chest.
I laughed and shrugged, "What do you want me to do, babe?"
What were we supposed to do on a plane?
"I can think of a thing or two." He stood and took my bass from me, placing it back in its case on the floor.
He straddled my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck and leaned in for a kiss. I placed my hands on his waist and pulled him closer to me.
He tasted so good against my lips; sort of like vanilla. I slid my tongue across his lips, asking for enterance into that beautiful mouth.
He refused so I bit his bottom lip causing him to gasp. I took this as my chance and slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring the hollow and wet cave.
I moved my lips down his chin and began sucking on the crook of his neck. I smiled when he moaned. "Voice warm-ups it is."
"Baka. Are you just gonna tease or are you gonna do something?" He breathed.
Smirking against Ruki's neck, I placed my hands on the small of his back and flipped us so Ruki was laying on the chair; our heads towards the bedroom and our feet to the dining cabin.

~Ruki's P.O.V~

I like it when Reita takes charge; shows me he can be a real man.
I slipped his jacket off of his arms while allowing him to suck on my neck. I can feel the blood rising to the surface as he left his mark on my skin.
He moved his hands down my waist and to the band of my black skinny jeans before pulling them down to my knees.
"No underwear?" He smirked and kissed me, feeling across my bare skin.
"Didn't need 'em." I breathed. I fumbled with his belt before successfully slipping his jeans to his thighs.
He continued sucking on my neck. I almost cried out when a dry finger was thrust quickly into my enterance.
"Hey," I slapped his forehead, "not so hard."
Reita simply rolled his eyes and slowly thrusted his finger. I could feel his knuckles move against my muscles as he pushed his finger deeper, then adding the second. He scissored his fingers a few times and slowly removed them.
He moved down my torso and lifted my legs over his head; my pants hanging around his neck and my legs now dangling over his shoulders.
He ran his hand up my thigh and kissed the inside of it before positioning to enter me.
Reita pushed forward and I moaned lightly. He stopped moving, allowing me to adjust to his heated length that now filled my insides. I bit my lip and squirmed a little until I was comfortable enough to have him move. I rolled my hips against his signalling him to move.
He took this as his cue, beginning to thrust and all I could do was bite my lip and clench my hands because I had nothing else to hold on to.
"This is new." I commented on the position.
"I was getting bored of top and doggy. You like it?"
"Fuck yeah." I moaned as both a response to his question and as he hit my prostate.
Reita kept thrusting forward and I pushed as much as I could against him as my knees dug into my chest.
It was difficult to breathe and I was sort of getting light-headed but oh god the feeling was amazing. Not like anything we've ever done before. Maybe that's just the air pressure talking.
"Go faster." I panted and Reita obeyed, speeding up as much as he could. We rocked back and forth, our bodies moving further upwards towards the bedroom and retreating backwards to the dining cabin.
I moaned louder and grabbed his shoulders, clawing through his shirt.
He moaned and I smiled. But God, the pleasure I was feeling was indescribable. I swear, someone might think I'm being murdered.

~Uruha's P.O.V~

Lol; I knew those two couldn't keep for long. It's barely been 2 hours and they're already going at it. It sounds like Ruki is being murdered.
I snuggled close to Aoi's side and wondered if he could hear them.
"Do you hear that?" Aoi mumbled, answering my unasked question.
"Oh yeah. Should we mess with them?" I asked, leaning on an elbow to look at Aoi.
"Hell yes we should." He smiled evilly and slipped out from under me, slipping his jeans back on. "This'll be payback for the phone incident."
I smiled and followed, replacing my own abandoned jeans.
I grabbed my phone from my carry-on bag and began recording.
"Oh Reita. Reita-Reita-Reita." I mused to the camera. "You've gotta stop doing this to yourself. This will be going with you to your grave." I laughed and followed Aoi to the door seperating us from the center cabin.
He turned to me and looked at the camera, placing a finger on his lip, telling me to be quiet.
He slowly opened the door and I knelt down on the floor, pointing the camera at the two.
I'm not gonna be able to breathe when they're done.

~Aoi's P.O.V~

My God, Reita is better than me. I guess it's because they practice more.
He was moving so fast it was like he was using a jack-hammer on the midget. Maybe Uruha and I should try that position next time.
He still hasn't noticed us. Kai stood across the way gaping at the two with disgust and mayonnaise on his face.
"R-Reita." Ruki moaned.
I fought back a laugh when Kai dropped his jar having Reita finally notice him.

~Kai's P.O.V~

"Mmm. Mayonnaise. Daisuki mayonnaoise." I mumbled, licking the spoon clean of the white substance I so loved.
I frowned hearing a noise coming from the central cabin that sounded like a struggle of some sort.
I don't like it when people fight so I should make sure that everything's okay.
Even with my beloved mayonnaise in my hands, nothing could've prepared my eyes for what I walked in on.
The first thing I saw was a white arse that hasn't seen the sun in its life. I followed my gaze up to its owner who was bent over another person.
Reita leaned over Ruki and was thrusting at unimaginable speed. Ruki's legs hung over Reita's shoulders.
Aoi and Uruha were at the other end of the cabin, holding in snickers as Reita and Ruki pleasured each other.
"R-Reita." Ruki moaned and I dropped my mayonnaise jar, causing the contents to splatter across the floor.
Like a deer in headlights, Reita turned his head to look at me and his eyes widened tenfold.
"Oh shit." He said and Ruki grabbed Reita's shoulders, leaning up and giving me the same embarrassed look that Reita gave.
"Oh double shit." Reita said, noticing the other two at their end of the plane.
All I could do was stare gaping at them.

~Reita's P.O.V~

Oh god, this is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen. Ruki and I have done it while the others were around but we were never walked in on.
Ruki laid beneath me covering his reddened face with his hands. All I could hear was Kai making gagging sounds and the other two laughing their arses off.
"Oh Reita, aren't you in trouble this time." Uruha laughed and I noticed he was holding something.
"Are you filming this?" I exclaimed, squinting my eyes at the phone in Uruha's hand.
"Uruha, please tell me you're not filming this." Ruki piped up, trying his best to look to the two at the other end.
"Oh yes he is." Aoi burst. "Payback is a bitch, isn't it?"
Oh god this is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. I'm never gonna hear the end of this.
"Okay, you've had your fun. Now can you leave so we can regain ourselves?"
I leaned down on my forearms to shield what I could of Ruki and I. He squirmed and gasped. I realised his legs were still around my neck.
"Regain or finish him?" Aoi commented, saying the last part like Mortal Kombat. One day I'm gonna punch him right in his smirk-plastered face.
I flipped them off and they laughed once more before closing the door.
Kai just sort of tripped backwards in a shocked trance, slowly closing the door.
"We are never living this down. Are we?" Ruki asked.
"Never." I thrust forward and Ruki finally came.
I stayed still and quiet for a moment before Ruki spoke, "you're not gonna come now, are you?"
"To be honest, I was only seconds away from coming before the other three walked in. They kinda scared it back." Ruki laughed and leaned up, catching my lips in a quick kiss.
"If you're not gonna come then can you please get out of me. I'm kind of uncomfortable."
I sighed and slowly drew back. I kissed Ruki's member when I pulled his legs up over my head, causing him to shiver.
"Never again." He laughed before pulling his pants back up.


~Author Note~
I'm really bad at ending these things. I was writing this in between school and I'd just gone through a really stressful time so it's taken me longer to write than usual. Hope you liked it!

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