-Rose pt1-4-

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Genre- WARNING: Character Death, fluff, band.
Days Taken to Write- 2 whilst listening to NIL and Stacked Rubbish.
Status- Exactly this; catching up on the writing that I have neglected for three weeks.
~Author Note~
Hello dear, my readers. I decided to post early today. I've been a bit touchy-feely lately so now I'm gonna hit all of you in the feels so you can join me. The story may get a bit confusing but it starts with Uruha and Aoi and then it begins jumping P.O.V's of each member and their perspective of what's happening so please, bear with me. I warn you now, there is a very dramatic character death so have a teddy-bear and a box of tissues handy (I know I did).
Thank you for reading, lovelies!


~Uruha's P.O.V~

I woke up and a smile immediately formed across my lips.
I stared up at Aoi sleeping soundly next to me. He looked like an angel; his soft breathing rose and fell with his chest, his long eyelashes fluttered softly against his cheeks and his black hair fell perfectly across the pillow like a cloud of smoke billowing from an extinguished candle. I wonder how I ever became so lucky as to have a man like him in my life.
I leaned up and gently kissed his lips before untangling my legs from his and slipping away without waking him. He stirred and I stopped. I gasped when he groaned and wrapped his arms around me.
"You're not going. I need warmth." Aoi mummbled groggily.
I laughed and pried his arms away from me, "I have to go to the studio today, baby."
After successfully slipping away I grabbed some jeans and a shirt before heading to the bathroom.


I returned to the bedroom and I'm not surprised to find that Aoi was asleep again.
I couldn't help but smile again at him; he was just so perfect. I grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen.
I fixed myself some toast and began writing a note to Aoi.
I pinned it to the fridge door knowing it would be the first thing he sees when he got up.
It was almost time to go so I grabbed my keys from the hall-table by the front door and slipped them into my bag. Before going anywhere else, I noticed the white roses, almost as beautiful as Aoi, arranged in the vase on the hall-table. Taking one, I returned to our bedroom.
I smiled once more at my beautiful angel and slipped the rose into his hand, leaving a quick kiss on his lips before leaving for the studio.


~Aoi's P.O.V~

I woke and the first thing I noticed was the soft, velvet-like object in my left hand. I held my hand out in front of me and smiled seeing that it was a white rose almost as beautiful as Uruha.
I placed it on the bedside table and headed to the kitchen. The wall-clock in the kitchen read 11 o'clock.
I went to the fridge and the first thing I saw was a small note stuck to the door.
I took it and smiled without even knowing what it said. I read it:

Ohayō, babe :)
I'll be home at around 5 and I'll be missing you for every minute.
Don't eat my cookies while I'm gone!
I love you ❤️

Now I had a reason to smile. How did I ever become so lucky as to have someone like Uruha in my life?
I placed the note down and opened the fridge to grab the milk out.
Before I could take a swig I heard my phone ringing. I jogged down the hall and grabbed my phone before it could stop ringing.
"Moshi-moshi." I answered non-chalantly.
"Aoi! You need to get to the hospital ASAP!"
"Kai? What's going on?" I asked in deep concern. Someone was at the hospital; that was not a good thing.
"It's Uruha. He was hit by a car." Kai's breath was shaky, like mine was. That couldn't have happened. Not to my Uruha. Not today.
"I'll be there in 10 minutes." I hung up and quickly threw on a pair of pants and shoes before sprinting outside.
No one was taking my Uru away from me; no one.


~Uruha's P.O.V~

"Arigatō." I smiled to the clerk and took my coffee. The kiosk was directly across the road from PS.
I was still smiling like an idiot thinking of my beautiful angel. I added some artificial sweetener to my coffee before taking a drink of the warm liquid.
Across the road I could see Reita and Kai talking.
Kai saw me and looked up, waving and smiling his dimpled smile.
I smiled and waved back before beginning to cross the road.
Then everything went black, searing pain shot up my back and side and all I could hear were screams and the screeching of rubber on tarmac.

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