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Genre- Sex, High School, Bullying, Use of Real Names, No Band.
Days Taken to Write- Three days and hyped on sugar for two of them.
Status- Listening to 'Madara'.
~Author Note~
Hello my lovelies 😊. This is my opening oneshot for Wattpad! It's my first to celebrate Halloween, making a Wattpad account, finishing exams and Kai-San's birthday all in one!
Happy late Halloween my pretties! 😈🎃👻


~Ruki's P.O.V (Age: 16)~

I walked down the red-locker-lined hallway of Yokohama High School to my locker. People laughed and jeered at me. I was the nerd of the school. I had bulky glasses and was top of most of my classes. The typical nerd-like stuff. I ignored them and pushed through a few people to get to my locker. When I reached it I saw that someone had tagged 'Nerd' on my locker door.
Ignoring the comment, I unlocked my locker and placed my books in. I had a double PE lesson next so I didn't need my books until after lunch break.


I'd changed from my normal uniform and into my PE uniform quickly to avoid harassment from the other boys. None of them did anything serious, but if I turned away for too long I'd look back and see that they'd taken my clothes and left a note saying 'Loser.'
I shoved my clothes in my gym locker and closed it.

"Hey, cutie." I was met by Akira; the coolest guy in school.

Akira Suzuki was a year older than me but he repeated so we were in the same year.
He's so cute. But he's captain of the soccer team, he'd never like a marching-band nerd like me.
I blushed and looked at him.

I adjusted my glasses and spoke, "What do you want from me?"

"Anything you can give." He made sure no one was looking and pinned me to the locker. He smashed his lips against mine and forced his tongue inside my mouth. I didn't fight I just let him dominate my mouth until he pulled away, both of us panting.

"You're fogging up my glasses." I said and he took them off of me, cleaning them on the hem of his shirt. He slid them back on and smiled at me.

"You're mine now." He smirked beneath that noseband and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks again.

"Meet me behind the bleachers during half time on Friday." He walked away and joined his friends, Yū and Kōyō.

I smiled and touched my lips.
I have a good feeling about this.


~Time Jump: Friday Game Day~

I didn't have band today so I didn't need to put on that clunky marching-band costume.
Instead I threw on a white XJapan shirt, ripped black leggings and an oversized plaid shirt that went to my mid-thigh. My glasses were a must anyways but they waited until I was finished applying eye-liner to my upper eyelids.
I styled my hair so I had spikes at the back and so my bangs fell over my forehead perfectly. I looked at my reflection and smiled. If only people would see this side of me instead of the dorky nerd.
I put my black leather boots on and threw my phone, keys and wallet in my bag.
I kissed my mother goodbye and told her I'd be home from the soccer game before she gets back from work.


~Time Jump: 5 mins Before Half Time~

I waited behind the bleachers like Akira told me to. There wasn't much light where I was, only what came through the bleachers from the field. There was another cheer for Yokohama and then the buzzer for half-time. I didn't really like soccer; or sport in general for that matter. Instead I just played on my phone until I heard the scuffing of shoes approaching.
I looked up and adjusted my glasses so I could see better.

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