Chapter 16

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Getting out of the lazy river I squeezed the water out of hair, me and Gajeel looked at eachother and broke out in laughter. We ended up having a full water fight, and no one even stopped us! "That went from zero to one hundred real quick." I giggled, Gajeel chuckled.

"You totally lost."


"You did too." Gajeel smiled winking at me.

I turned my face away as I could feel it getting hotter, as I started pouting.

"Hey where are the others?" Gajeel paused looking around, I looked around seeing if I could find anyone.

"I... I don't know. I'm only guessing torturing eachother." I giggled, as Gajeel rolled his eyes.

"I don't wanna do any rides..."

"Too bad!" I giggled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a tube ride.

¤Time Skip¤

"Quit whining!" I growled smacking Juvia as she fell onto the Strauss' lawn.

"Juvia is dying!" The bluenette cried, whining as she hugged the grass. By 5 the others never made it so we decided to head home.

"Levy's driving could kill anyone."

"WAIT LEVY DROVE WHO'S CAR?!" Elfman screamed.

"Gray's." Mirajane smiled.

"Thank the heavens...."

"NO MY CAR!" Gray screamed as he broke out in a sprint for his car.

"You guys are assholes." I pouted.

"So Lucy, did you like my ride?" Natsu smiled as he slipped an arm around Lucy's shoulders. This is uncharted territory. UNCHARTED TERRITORY.

Mira got a nosebleed and began taking lots of pictures well everyone else stood silent. Lucy got a tick mark as she kicked him right into the brick wall. "TOO CLOSE."

Everyone began clapping. Nodding their heads as they sad sarcastic motivational sentences.

"Ten out of ten."

"Good job."

"Very well done."

Is there like a cult that I'm not in? I froze thinking of making a run for it.

"Levy. I know what you're thinking. And no." I jumped as Erza began looking into my soul.

"Erza. That's not cool." Jellal crossed his arms.

"Don't scare her like that. You'd kill her." Gajeel sighs.

"Bad Erza.." Lucy shamed the redhead.

Erza went back into the house, sulking of course.

After awhile of weirdness, we all went inside as Mira attempted to ship everyone here. "So, who's so pumped for fairytail's first ever girl's choice prom hosted by Mira?" Mira smiled wider than the Cheshire Cat, as the boys all got quiet as us girls parted from the boys. "Soo, who's going with who?" Mira giggled.

"I promised Natsu through text I'd buy him food if he'd accompany me." Lucy said as she rubbed her arm.

"Ah, buying your way into his heart with food...." Lisanna giggled. "I'm too afraid to ask...him...."

"NATSU?!" They all screamed.

"N-No, uh... you know, B-b--"

"YEAH YOU NEEDED ME?!" Natsu bursted into the roomed we were in.

"GET OUT!" We all screamed as Mira and Lucy chucked pillows at him, as he quickly slammed the door.

"What about you Mira-Nee?" Lisanna mumbled, clearly changing the topic, which never fooled Mira, but it worked. Mira turned a shade of red, brighter than Erza's hair.

"I got Laxus to go with me, I think he's only going cause I may, have uh... threatened him by telling the girl he likes he likes her..." Mira said as she put her hands on her cheek, and began fangirling.

"Is she... dense?" Evergreen mumbled hiding her mouth behind her fan that Elfman made, you could tell by how the fan said MANLY WOMAN.

"You're one to speak, Evergreen." Erza crossed her arms.

"Says you, Titania! You obvious want to ha--"

"Minna is missing the clear picture, what about Levy-san?" Juvia said, I froze.

"Uh.. what about me?" I mumbled.

"Oh yeah! You're going with Gajeel, righ~?" Lisanna cooed looking at me.

"W-What? I mean... Jet and Droy wouldn't allow that... like... u-uh..." I mumbled.

They all looked at me, as Lucy let out a hum. "Levy, go ask him!"


I screamed.

"Levy~" Mira and Erza said together.

"N-Never!  I won't!"

"Then, minna will make you! GET HER!" Juvia screamed as they attempted to tackle me, but I quickly jumped away.

Running towards the door I kicked it down as I ran up the stairs. "WE'RE COMING LEVY!" I hear Erza scream in a singsong voice. I ran into the living room before I tripped on something, only hearing a groan in a response.

I attempted to run but before I could I realized the girls were already blocking my way. "Oh. My. God." Mira squealed, as they all pulled out their phones.

Levy looked sat up and realized what she fell on.

She fell on Gajeel.

She fell on Gajeel.

Fell on Gajeel.

On... "KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed, scattering away.

"I didn't think you actually would." Lucy smiled as I curled into a ball.

"I hate my life..." I sulked.

"So, what just happened?" A somewhat naked Gray mumbled.

"So like, we were gonna--" Mira started as I began screaming.


"Levy, chill." Natsu's rolled his eyes.

I began sulking, these girls are so mean to me!

*Soooooo sorry about my very very very very hiatus.... yes. XD I just got like very bad lazyness that was like no writing for you.

Soo Yay.... xD I hope you're still reading and enjoying. Thanks for staying and ready Btw!*

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