Chapter 23-Maybe I Just Needed Him

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Chapter 23-Maybe I Just Needed Him

"He can't just do that. For Christ's sake, he can't just make you move, you're an adult now for crying out loud" I said feeling so angry as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"He just wants to get away from all this, from all the memories, you know? And in a way I agree with him" he said with a sigh.

"So you're just gonna run away, that's really your way of coping?" I asked in disbelief shaking my head slightly.

"He's a busy man, Grace, I need to go for my siblings. He's gonna be busy like always, who's gonna take care of them?" He asked with a frown.

"You could still stay here, move in with me and my family. I'm sure they'd be more than okay to look after your siblings. This way you won't have to move away" I tried reasoning.

"And take them away from their father? The only parent they have left"

"You're the one who just said that he's always busy, what difference does it make, really? " I asked throwing my hands up in the air.

"I can't just leave him alone and you know that, Grace" he huffed.


"Because maybe I still have hopes he'd realise one day that we're more important than work and give us the father's affection we've been looking for" he spat angrily.

Which left me speechless, not because I was hurt by him being this mad towards me, but rather because I've never seen him this angry before. I've known Alex for a while now and he's never been this angry. So it was normal for me to be shocked by his sudden outburst.

"Look, I'm sorry, I really am. But, maybe the fact why I need to go is that I need a fresh start. When I told you that I liked you so much, Grace, I wasn't kidding. And I did try to forget and push my feelings aside for the sake of our friendship. But seeing the way you look at him, even though he's been ignoring you, breaks my heart. I just need to get away from it all. This town's been bringing me nothing but heartache, and I'm tired of it" he said slumping down his shoulders in defeat.

You see, the next day Alex asked me to meet him at the park so we could talk about something 'important'. I felt like I've been slapped then been ran over by a truck when he told me that his father wanted to move away from here. To leave LA and if possible the whole continent. But thankfully Alex refused and insisted they move away to somewhere alittle more closer, so that he could visit often.

I didn't take the news well though, as you could see, I've really grown attached to Alex and his siblings. I made a promise to his mother one night that I'd look after them if there ever came a morning that she never woke up to. She considered me as her own daughter, even though we didn't really know each other for that long. But I promised her and I didn't want to break the one promise I made her. Alex didn't know that though and he didn't need to. All he really needed to do was to stay.

I hated goodbyes and he was a really great friend. I love him, I really do, but just as a friend. I care about him like a brother and I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he was really going to be gone for possibly good. I remember how he's always been my crush back in the days, but that was until Jason came strolling into the hallways of our high school. Alex was a great friend, a shoulder to cry on and literally one phone call away. He never failed to make me smile and laugh when I was down and needed to either.

We've been spending alot of time together lately, I found peace in his company, somehow made me feel calm and comfortable. And as selfish as that sounds, I wasn't ready to let him go just yet.

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