Chapter 6-Lack Of Trust

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Chapter 6-Lack Of Trust

"Couldn't I have been partnered with someone else?"

"Will you look at that? We already have things in common, we're wondering about the same thing"

"I can't stand you, it's not even funny"

"Well, we have no other choices but to swallow our pride and work together"

"Sorry, but my pride is too big to swallow, I'm not sure about you though..."

"That's it, you're officially a complete asshole"

"Well, you're not a walk in the park either"

We've been fighting for almost thirty minutes now, after Mr Miller told us our assigned partners, he gave us the rest of the class free in order for us to talk about our project and decide on what we're doing it. The man didn't know that me and him are gonna end up fighting over the fact that we're even partners.

"Can we just work on the project? It can't be that hard"



(2 seconds later)

"No way I'm gonna do a project on that "

"Well, at least it's better than your genius idea of just sitting back and the idea will come to us. That doesn't happen! "

"Well, that book is stupid, I'm not doing a project on Romeo and Juliet"

"You're such a girl, I should've known you'd be into that romance shit"

"Well, I am a girl. Besides, you didn't exactly enlighten me with your great idea of the project"

"Well, because I don't read novels, these are for girls like you"

"What do you mean 'girls like me'?"

"This is hopeless, we can't even agree on the damn topic of this stupid project"

"Well, maybe you should stop being an ass and just agree with me"

"Why do I have to agree with you, why can't you agree with me?"

"Because you didn't choose a damn novel!"


"Maybe we should just compromise"

I sighed in defeat massaging my temples.

"And by 'compromise' you mean me agreeing with you"

"Duh, what else?"

And we're back to zero, here we go again fighting back and forth. We both let out a sigh of relief when the bell rang indicating that class was finally over. I couldn't help but notice how Jason is bipolar, I mean he could be a real ass to people for no specific reason at all. I also noticed that he's only cool and relaxed with his friends. It's like when he's dealing with anyone else, he's putting his guard up and pushing just about everyone away. I don't wanna be judging just yet, but it seems like he has trust issues. Did people betray him too?

Maybe we do have something in common. Lack of trust.

I headed to my next class which was P.E, I always loved sports, playing it or just watching it with my family. Dad loved hockey so much and that's why me and him would always watch it together. As a family we loved baseball so much, we'd all gather up at my house and watch the game together while eating popcorn and any other junk food our hands could get on. As a family, we cheered for different teams, the New York Yankees and the New York Mets.

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