HD ~ Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

Carefully, I pushed myself up so I was sitting and face the wall away from the voices. I let out a small, involuntary groan when my head just pounded even more and caused me to sway slightly. At the moment, I was glad I was sitting down. 

The men behind me didn't say anything, but I could feel their eyes on me. I didn't want to turn around. My heart was about to beat out of my chest, but I wasn't panicking much. I seemed to be in some sort of shock where I was still aware of the situation I was in. 

Finally, I gathered the courage to turn and face the men outside my cell. 

There were only two of them as I suspected, but i was shocked to find that they couldn't be much older than me. They looked me over almost as if they were judging me in some way. "Declan said she was fast," the first one said as if I wasn't in the room looking directly at them. "It makes you wonder, huh?"

The other one nodded and gave me a devious smirk that made me cringe slightly. I wanted to scramble back against the wall and try to make myself seem as small as possible, but at the moment, I could hardly move. The second one left for a moment only to come back with my backpack. 

"It looked like she was running away," he chuckled. He opened my bag and started going through it. "Apples, water, protein bars, extra clothes" he started listing off the things I'd packed. He paused and then a wicked grin crossed his face. What he held up made my eyes widen in both embarrassment and in fear. 

He them up so his friend and I could see. "Look what I found, Trey," he chuckled as he tossed my panties to who I assumed to be Trey. They were my sky blue panties with a lace trim and a small bow on the two upper sides. "Now these make you wonder."

"They look so innocent," Trey cooed as he reached into his back pocket and I heard the jingling before I saw them. He jingled the keys before me and only then did I scramble back until I hit the wall. As he started to unlock my cell, the panic finally hit me. "Let's find out if she is as well," he said darkly.

I was being chased, passed out, and was now locked in a cell. No one knew where I was and no one was coming to rescue me. These to men were about to unlock my cell to do unspeakable things to me. I was on my own and alone. 

The lock clicked open and Trey slid the bar back. My heart was beating out of my chest and I started whimpering as I pressed my body as close to the wall as I could. The second guy grabbed his friends arm and stopped him for a moment. "Wait," he said. "What about Cole?" 

Trey snorted. "You really think Cole will have a problem with us having a bit of fun?" he scoffed. "He's the one who said that the prisoners we capture hardly mean anything and that we can do with them what we please as long as we keep them alive."

His friend shrugged and dropped Trey's arm. Trey entered the cell with a sadistic smile and started advancing. My breaths came quicker and I could feel my body shaking in fear. "No," I managed to choke out in a whimper. "No, please," I begged him. 

He only laughed in response as he came closer and knelt down next to me. I could see his friend enter the cell, but lean against one of the adjacent walls and was just watching the scene play out. My eyes trailed back to Trey just as he reached out to touch my face. I immediately cringed away. 

"Oh, don't be like that, Baby," he drawled. "We're going to have some fun," he paused and gave me an evil smirk. "Or at least I will," his voice rumbled in my ear as he leaned closer.

I whimpered again, but this time, I reached out and attempted to push him away. Though my body was shaking and I couldn't concentrate much. All the adrenaline I had from the chase had completely let my body. "No, please don't," I said as my voice cracked and tears started trickling down my face. This couldn't be happening to me. Why couldn't I just do what my mother wanted?

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