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I picked her up at her place she was in a black dress. Her hair was in a ponytail and I couldn't get my eyes off her lips. They were a dark shade of brown. I took her hand and walked her to the car and I held the passenger side door for her.

The drive up we listened to some recent songs. I had tried to hide my favorite cd but she had almost stepped on it.

"Oh no, I almost  stepped on this." She said as she held it up. "Oh what's this...." I tried to grab and she dodged my hand. "Ooh something someone doesn't want me to see."

I looked at the road too embarrassed to look at her face. "Your mixtape. Well let's have a listen." She placed it in and the song began.

"Some day, when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight...."

She looked at me her mouth open, "My mom used to play this all the time."

"Mine too. So I'm pretty much a big fan of all things classical music."

" too. I don't have a mixtape of them on a cd but I have a record player and some Frank Sinatra. Others too."

"Where have you been all my life." She smiled.

As I held my hand on her back guiding her into the restaurant. I had felt so many things, it was like she was the one. I had felt it, that feeling when you can't stop smiling and you can't think of anything other than getting to know her better.

"So you left this for me." She held up a napkin.

I smiled back, "I did. Good to know you got it and not some stranger."

"Actually some stranger did get to it but she brought it to me."

The entire evening we spent it getting to know each other better. I couldn't have been funnier. She was great laughed at my jokes made jokes of her own. If it wasn't the first date I think I would have asked her to marry me. I was right when I had thought that she would be my wife one day.

She invited me into her apartment. The place was a scent of tropical fruits. She waved her hand around in the air.

"This is my place. It's not big but it's comfy and it's mine. I like it." She walked along over to a corner of the room. "And this is my prized possession." It was a black record player, beside it was a crate full of different records.

"You have a great selection. Elton John, Frank Sinatra, aye Bob Marley."

She smiled proudly, "Yeah some of them were my mom's and some were my grandma's. Bob Marley is mine."

"Can we play something?"

"Yeah yeah of course."

She put on Bob Marley and I immediately knew the song. So she and I sang along, "Could you be loved" She tapped her foot, snapped her finger and swung her hip just a little bit. But I was so turned on.

She put her finger and her heels clacked as she walked to the kitchen. She came back with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. She patted the seat beside her on the sofa and I took the seat.

"Niall I really like you."

"Oh good because I like you and I was hoping I wouldn't have to play it cool tomorrow. I planned on calling you as soon as I wake up."

She laughed even though I was serious and I laughed just to play it off. Then we got to talking about music and I got carried away. She inched closer to me and stared at me with the brightest smile; listening intently. Most women when I started my rant would get noticeably bored and signal me to stop talking with a simple touch to my leg. She even replied to some of the stuff I went on about.

The song switch and the beat played to Bob Marley's famous Three Birds. I stood to my feet and let out a hand.

"Can I have this dance?"

She stood taking my hand and grabbed a hold of my shoulder. "You're really smooth Niall. Do you do this with all the ladies?"

"Normally I dance with them to a different genre of music a different generation too."

She smirked and I told her honestly, "No I've never done this before. You're my first dance to Three birds. Aside from the dance I had with my mom."

She laughed, "Oh god please tell me your joking."

"No no no I'm not. Just imagine a seven year old on his moms feet. Singing the song and crushing his moms toes."

"That sounds adorable."

"I can be at times."

When I was leaving it was already midnight. We hadn't even kissed each other. But it felt right. She walked me to the door and left a kiss to my cheek.

"Please call me tomorrow, I'd really like to see you again."

"I will. Goodnight Tori."

"Goodnight Neil." I scolded her and she smiled before slowly closing the door.

I have yet to take a seat Iv been pacing. Running my fingers through my hair. I feel as though my adrenaline has kicked in. My mind is not as scattered but my fingers and legs can't seem to stop. I can't get myself to sit down and wait. I can't get myself to calm down. A woman in light blue scrubs walks towards me.

"Where is my wife?! Where is she?!" The words escape my mouth though my face feels numb.

"They're taking care of her. I'm just here to ask if there is anything we should know of. Any medications she may be taking. Any allergies. Any prior surgeries?"

"No no she only has prenatal vitamins that she's taking, she's pregnant." The doctor started to walk away and I grabbed onto her arm, "Please tell me my wife and baby is okay."

"Sir, we will let you know as soon as we have further information."

I pull back my hand only to see its tremble. I'm frightened truly afraid. My wife, the love of my life was hit. She is pregnant. It's our baby. My wife was hit and blood is all over. She has my baby inside of her. And my legs begin to move again and my fingers find themselves running pacer tests through my hair.

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