chapter four

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chapter four

"mama, mama, no yelling! please, mama."

harry was currently on his couch in his living room. he came directly home after school and was attacked by anne with hugs and continuous scolding.

he had his hands over his ears now. she's been snapping at him today. she was stressed, he could tell. she had been yelling over the simplest of things and harry was becoming scared.

"harry, be quiet!" anne shouted. he heard a few pots and pans falling on the floor and he flinched. he didn't like this side of anne.

his father was out. he was glad about that, too. but if he was here then maybe anne wouldn't be yelling at him, but instead she would maybe be taking her anger out on his father. and as horrible as it may seem, harry wished she would yell at des more often.

harry got up from where he was sitting and slowly walked over towards the fish tank. he saw the fishes swimming and he was going to ask his mother if he could feed the fish, but there was a loud bang that caused him to jump in horror.

"mama? mama okay? mama hurt?" harry asked. his heart was beating quickly and he was scared.

"harry, i fucking mean it when i told you to be quiet!" anne yelled in frustration. she grabbed a plate and threw it at the ground. it shattered everywhere. "shut the fuck up before i fucking make you!"

harry whimpered and let the tears fall. he quickly backed away from the fish tank and started to cry.

"motherfucker!" she yelled from the kitchen as another glass was shattered on the floor.

harry quickly found that as his cue to leave. he ran down the hall and up the stairs before darting towards his room and slamming the door shut; locking it in the process.

he scurried over towards his closet. he took out his backpack and fumbled with the zipper, turning it upside down and letting the remains pour out onto his bed. he saw the little piece of paper that was neatly folded in the pile of books and pencils and quickly grabbed it.

he quickly exited his room. he tip-toed downstairs where his mother was still silently cursing to herself. he ran over to where the house phone was. he snatched it up and went back into his room.

he opened the small folded paper.

call me whenever you need to talk.

[ 408 - 449 - 7292 ]

- louis :)

with shaky fingers, he dialed louis' number. he hesitantly brought the phone up to his ear and waited for louis to pick up.

one ring. two rings. three rings-

"hello?" louis' voice was soft and delicate from the other end.

"mama yells. mama yells and it's scary." harry blurted out and started to rub his head, trying to block out the noises from downstairs.

"your mom is yelling?" louis questioned and harry whimpered. "is she hurting you?"

"mama told me to not talk. she said it in a mean way. she was mean." harry explained. "she says bad words and its scary."

louis sighed. "where's your dad, love?"

harry stiffened. his blood felt like it had ran cold and he felt the anger course through his veins. the terrible memories had flashed quickly in his head and he let out a whimper.

"baby? what's wrong?" louis asked, concerned.

"n-no. no, no more. i don't want it." harry said. "i don't want it."

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