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             I rolled over. "Mm" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw I was laying on Luke's lap. "Oh my god!" I whispered. I looked around and Hiller wasn't there.
        Luke wakes up and smiled at me
"Hey,you okay?"
      "Yea its just,why was I laying on your lap?"
      "Oh,while watching the movie you fell asleep on my shoulder and I left you there...when I fell asleep you must have slipped down to may lap." He got up and grabbed my hand. "Go back to the guest room...well yours,and get some proper sleep in a proper bed and not my lap!" He said leading me to the guest room.
     I took my shirt off and got into bed. He smiled and sat on my bed.
      "Goodnight,City Chick." He whispered,which was followed by a giggle.
    I smacked his arm and fell asleep.
       I woke up and went downstairs. "Morning,city Chick... Sleep well?"
   I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge.
      "I guess." I grabbed an apple and sat down beside Luke.
What really happened was I felt okay with him beside me...I was perfectly fine with sleeping on his lap! I shook out of my thoughts and luke looked at me and smiled.
      " what?" I put down my apple and gave him a look.
      "Nothing just.....nevermind!" I shook my head and headed upstairs.
      He laughed as it ran away. He makes me so angry sometimes.
        I got into my bag and grabbed my plane black shirt and my shorts. I went back downstairs and Hiller was laughing at the table.
       "Hey,butthead, what are you laughing at?" I walked over and hugged her from behind. Luke looked at me and stopped laughing.
     "Oh Luke was just being his idiot self!" She said grabbing the keys.
     "Okay well we are leaving... Be back around 3,bye big bro!" Hiller yelled. I winked at him and walked away.
     "Hey,those shorts look awesome." He yelled.
      "What on me?"
    He laughed ,"maybe!" I shut the door and headed off to school.
      He may make me mad and stressed but....he makes me laugh and feel good sometimes too!

My Bestfriends BrotherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin