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         We got back into the house and Luke put his hand on my waist. I didn't take it away. This comforted me....alot. We opened the door and Hiller was standing up smiling. "Hey guess what!" She looked at me and hugged me.
      I told her what happened. "Oh no.....that's horrible, listen, I am sure this will help you get your mom's off from it." She held out a paper. "You are welcome to come stay at a luxury hotel in......HAWAII?!?" I yelled. She laughed and hugged me.
      "We can ALL go!" She said hugging us two. I smiled and looked at Luke.
      "When do we leave?"
     She looked at Luke and giggled.
     "This Friday!" She explained.
    "What? That's in 1 day!" I said grabbing her hand.
    "Yes,that's why we need to start packing... Since tomorrow is the last day if school we are okay with going, as long as we had an adult!" She looked at like and winked. He rolled his eyes then hugged her.
      "Hey....is it okay if I stay here until I find a home?" I asked. They both looked at eachother and smiled.
      "Screw that,just live here....we have an extra room and enough money!" She said hugging me
     "Are you sure?"
    "Yes....and I am just saying right now...I am done with college and am staying here!" Luke said hugging me.
     "Thanks guys....thsi means ALOT to me!" I went to the living room and turned on a movie.
    "Come on...lets watch a movie!" I patted the two spots next to me.
    Like rolled his eyes and laughed. He flipped dover the couch and sat down.
       Today may have been $*** but....I have my bestfriend and my Bestfriends brother to help me out!

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