19|MY BFB|

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Luke was rubbing my back when I woke up.
"Morning, sunshine." He said kissing my forehead.
I looked over at his clock, "it freaking 1 am Luke!" I explained. He rubbed his head. "Really,wow! Time flew past kissing you!" He winked and kissed me.
"I know,my question is...should we tell your sister about what we just did?" I asked running my fingers through his hair.
"I dont know... She is your bestfriend and her bestfriend sleeping with her brother?" He said. "Your right." I rolled over and got out of bed. I looked down and was only in my underwear. Well they were somewhat off. "Luke!" I squealed. He laughed and points to the floor. I see my clothes sitting there. I walk over and hit him with my shirt
"Hey it was your idea to do it last night,gorgeous!" He said as I walked away. I stopped and turned around. "Was it?"
He shook his head. My face blushed. I started to walk way again. As I walked to the bathroom I heard Luke yell,"that a$$ tho!"
While I was in the shower I heard the door open. I peek out the shower curtain and see luke standing there,"Luke,get out! " I said washing my face. He opens the curtain. "Luke,out!"
He smiled and dumped cold water on me.
"Luke,what the hell?!?" I yelled. He laughed and backed up. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I looked at him and basically gave him a death stare. "Oh... Girl mad!You on your period? $ he laughed. " you would know you freaking idiot! " I yelled "oh yea!" He chuckled
"Oh yea." I mocked him. I was freezing cold. I ran over to luke to give him a hug when I fell. "Ow,Jesus!" I yelled. Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Are you okay,gorgeous?" He aksed. I shook my head and looked up at him. He put a towel around me. I shiverd.
"I am so sorry." He apologized. I shook my head and pulled him into a hug. I didn't care that I was naked And hugging him. "Nice rack of boobs you got!" He looked down at my chest. I smiled and walked to my room to change.
I decided since I will be going to Walmart with Luke i would dress decent.
I put in my Plane black t shirt,my tan cover up thing to go over it,and my high wasted shorts. I walked down to Luke's room and went in. He was sitting at his computer playing a game. I went behind him and kissed his cheek. He smiled. "You ready?" I whispered in his ear. He backed up and got up. He shook his head and kissed me. "Let's go! He said.
When we got to Walmart he grabbed one of those racecar kid cart thing.
I hopped in the car and pretend to drive. He ran into a pile of things and knocked it down. He gasped. I looked out at the mess then up at him. "Wasted!" I yelled. He put his hands over his face and started to laugh. He ran away with me still in the cart. He ran down an empty aisle.
"Slow down,handsome!" I yelled. He stopped right in his tracks. He peeked into my little window thing. I pretend to roll it down,"yes?"
He giggled, "hey,things full of the big bouncy ball things!" He exclaimed. I looked a head and rolled up my window. I got out of my car and locked it. I went around it messing with the things and making music. I climbed up the side of it to get a ball out and I fell in. Luke laughed and came to get my out. "No,you laugh....you join!" I said pulling at his hand and causing him to fall in too.
He looked at me and hit me in the face with a ball. I smacked his chest. he laughed and kissed me. "Get out if the ball thing!" We heard a low voice say. "Busted!" I whispered. I looked over and saw a large,tall black man standing there. Luke looked at him and then back at me and started to laugh. I tried to be quiet. But when your with luke......you cant!
Let's just say.....we arnt allowed at Walmart for a little while. Whoops!!

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