Going to my new home

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Sangs Pov
I am being released from the hospital since its been 1 week I've been stuck her. I am going to go to Dr. Green and Mr.B's house for now on which I'm grateful for because if I go back they would kill me. I am sitting here alone when Dr.Robert comes in. He says" Hey sweet pea how you feeling? Are you in any pain? Look at what I got for you." I say " A little pain but I'm okay. My favorite thank you but we can't tell north remember Luke said so." He says" I will keep my mouth shut so he doesn't become angry with both of us. What else did Luke tell you?" I tell him that Luke said I have to slip it with him. Do not North else he will be mad at us. I don't want him to be mad. I don't want to cause trouble for them. He says" Your not causing any trouble. And you don't have to share if you don't want to. Let's get something for the pain before it becomes unbearable." I say" Thank you for everything. Even the chocolate. I hug him and say your really really really nice I hope I get to see you again not in this condition though." He smiles and says" It was my pleasure to and you can always come to see me but not like this though. He kisses my head and continues on saying so I been wondering how Apple pie and fighter got their names and who named them too." I say " I named fighter, Fighter because when we first found him he was clinging to life so I nursed him back to health. Apple pie got her name because when we found her she was eating Apple pie and she is so so so sweet that it just fitted. I pet then both and say when I get enough money I am going to bye them because they deserve a home they all do but I don't think I'll be allowed that many dogs though. He laughs and says Well I need to check on my other patients. Be good" and with that he hugs me and then leaves.
Norths Pov
I am going to baby girls room when Dr.Robert comes out and says" She's a trip but definitely a keeper." I say What did she do? He says" Well I now know how the dogs got their names and who she's been sharing her chocolate with your brother. She doesn't know that you know that I have been giving her chocolate. Don't worry it was a Hershey kiss. I also gave her, her pain medication so she's asleep during the whole ride. But just keep an eye on her because last night was a bit rough with the nightmares." I say okay I will and Mr.B and doc are signing her out while Silas and Luke are waiting in the car. He just nods his head. I walk in to see the nurses are unhooking her from all those machines. Once they are done I pick her up and put her in the wheelchair. As we are leaving all the nurses wave goodbye to her as she does the same while some say they are going to miss her. I think that she made a huge impact on all of them. I see her start drifting a little so I pick her up and let her rest against me. I meet them in the front entrance and say " Hey she's asleep so be quite." They say " She's so cute when she's sleeping. How was she last night?" I say from what Dr.Robert said she had a rough night with her nightmares. I get into the car and say Shh she's sleeping Dr.Robert gave her pain medication so she'll sleep the whole time.
Silas Pov
Aggele mou is so cute when she's sleeping. Her being wrapped up in Norths arms make her look like a baby. Now that I think of it she does look like a baby with her size. Luke is driving while north and doc and I are in the back while Mr.B sits in the passenger seat. I say" So does anyone else know she's asleep? Should we tell the others so they don't wake her? They all shake their heads. I say What are we gonna do about school she can't go back? Mr.B says " I'm having Dr.Robert family watch her while we are at school. So sometime over the weekend they are coming. I don't know yet." Great I look over to north to see he is not so happy but oh well.

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