Should I stop fighting

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Kota's Pov
When my brothers tell us what jade and her sisters say I get a horrible feeling. Did we jump to conclusions too fast. North, Silas, Luke and I are on our way to the dog shelter to see if she is there or has been in the past 3 weeks at any point or heard from her. 12345....12345....12345... this is not working. We finally get there and we go inside. The owners say " Hi may I help you?" Oh they don't remember Silas and North. I say " Yes has sang been here at all we haven't seen here for the past three weeks and we are worried about her.?" They say " No, we haven't she came in 3 weeks ago really upset and the dogs been very weird. I hope she's okay. She's an amazing young lady. Here's her address can you go check to see if she's okay because we are really worried about her too." We say okay thank you for the help." We walk calmly out then run to our cars. This is not good at all. We call Mr.B and tell him no one has seen her.
Silas Pov
We got to the shelter and I am hoping she is here because I don't think I'll be able to handle it if she's dead. God were idiots why didn't we talk. Oh right because we're too protective of Jessica. When we find out she hasn't been here either I feel like shit she loves these dogs she is always here 3 times a day. I saw how she interacted with them. When they said she was really upset about something I knew it was because of us. Now we are going to her house since there is 2 more hours of school left. The others are going to all meet there. We found out she lives right across from Kota and Nathan which is a good 20 minutes from here. North is driving like a but job to get to her. I know we are all concerned because we don't know what happened to her or where she is.
Sangs Pov
I have been tied up in here for the past three weeks with nothing to eat and drink. I don't think I can make it much longer. I am losing a lot of blood and a lot of pain. I have been seeing them and hearing them but I know they aren't here. I have been dripping from consciousness for the past two weeks. Should I just fighting everyone would be better off without me. I just don't know why everyone hates me what have I done to anyone. I hear something but I don't who it is. I know it's not my mom and dad because they left an hour ago. I hear a familiar voice, is that Luke? Yes it is I hear him go down stairs and I internally think no up here. I can't even scream for help because my mom keeps giving me lemon juice and vinegar. I hear him and start talking saying they can't find me. So I start hopping up and down on the stool even though it hurts so bad. I hear Luke say" Nathan do you hear that?" I hear Nathan say yeah what is it and where it's coming from?" So I start banging my head on the wall. Luke says" Sang are you in there are you okay?" I bang my head again to say yes. He says " Can you please unlock the door." When he doesn't get an answer he says " I'm breaking down the door okay." Thank god someone one is here to save me. I'm crying relieved tears.
Luke's Pov
Nathan and I are searching her house for her. There is no one her e. I think it's her mom taking a shower but I'm not sure. We been through all the rooms. Nathan and I are talking when I hear this banging sound coming from the bathroom. I ask Nathan if he hears it too and then go knock on the door. I say" sang is that you, please unlock the door." I only get a bang in return so I know she can't. I kicked the door down and ripe open the shower Curtin. What I see makes me want to throw up their she is with her mouth tape shout and tied down to a stool. How long has she been here. I pick her up and say everything is going to be okay. Nathan is going to kick the stool because we can't get the ties undone. Stay still sweetie we are going to get you out of here. I kiss her head. Finally the stupid stool breaks. I pick her up turn off the shower. Nathan gets some towels to warm her up because she is freezing. We go out the front door and go to Nathan's house because that's where everyone is. I keep whispering stay with me baby girl stay with me.
Nathan's Pov
When I first saw her I wanted to throw up and sob for her. I can't believe her family did this. It took me 5 fucking minutes just to break that fucking stool. We are both running to my house because she looks like she is about to die any minute now. When we get to my house I immediately scream doc we need you now! They come in and all hell breaks lose. Doc starts giving orders. Luke puts her down carefully on my bed. She keeps saying something but we can't understand it. Mr.B says " Mr.Taylor and Mr.Griffin report now!" I tell him we found her in the bathroom tied up. She was barely conscious when we got to her. We will have nightmares about it for the rest of ur lives from what we saw. Her family needs to be fucking killed.
Dr. Green's Pov
I am checking her out and let's just say if we haven't had found her today she would've died there. I am sowing her stomach up right now. I start giving her fluids because from the looks of it she hasn't eaten in three weeks. I kiss her head telling her how sorry we our. This is all our fault. We jumped to conclusions too quickly. I wouldn't blame her if she hates us because we basically almost got her killed. I also can't believe she worked for two academy members without us knowing. Owen and I know the couple who owns the dog shelter. They told us everything like how she is a ghost bird to how she doesn't know. I feel like an ass hole. We all do. I keep hearing her mumble something until it finally clicks. She's saying" I hope someone saves me. I don't know what I did to deserve this. Should have know this would have happen. Who's taking care of fighter and Apple pie." Who are those people? I whisper to her you didn't deserve this and we're so so sorry. I have tears in my eyes but I hold it together because she needs me to stay strong.
Gabriel's Pov
I am helping doc with Sang. God we're such idiots. I am praying to god to let her live. She doesn't deserve anything that happened to her and what the fuck are we going to tell Jessica. I hate her fucking family and her God Damn sister's deserve to die with her parents for not fucking helping her. I keep kissing her head. I knew she was fucking trouble I thought a good kind of trouble not the bad kind. I have tears in my eyes and I can hear north, Silas freaking out and you know Kota is counting. But I was extremely shocked to see the amount of emotions before. I see hear mumble something about Apple pie and all I can do is fucking laugh. Here she is clinging to consciousness and she is more concern about eating Apple pie but why does she keep saying who's going to take care of them. Who are they anyway. Once we're finished doc gives her something to sleep then go tell the others about her condition.
Norths Pov
What the fuck happened to her. Why would her Fucking family do this to her? Who would do that to someone? Oh wait I know we all know who my brothers and I have all gone through it some bad and some worse then other but her parents are way worse then any of our parents put together. I am so fucking mad at myself for not even talking to her first. God we are asses. Luke and Nathan look like shit. I go over and just hug Luke and let him cry. God it must have been horrible if they are both crying. After another 20 minutes Gabe and doc walk out and I know it's not good because doc doesn't even have that fun glint in his eyes. Gabe says" She's asleep but I suggest we get some Apple pie and a fighter whatever that is." Luke looks at him funny and says" Why do we need to get Apple pie and what is a fighter?" Trying to hold in his laughter. Silas and I know immediately who she's talking about and we say" we'll go get the them. And just so you know they are dogs from the shelter. Nathan your fine with us bringing the dogs here." Nathan says " Yeah I don't care as long as she's happy we at least owe her that much."
Silas Pov
When Nathan said we owe her that much I couldn't have said anything else better. I feel extremely guilty. So now we are on our way to the shelter which is own by two academy members. How we didn't know I don't know. We got the dogs and are heading back to Nathan's house. I don't understand why these dogs are so happy I mean all we said was can we bring them to sang and they went crazy. Now they are sleeping in the back of the car on top of Luke which is pretty adorable they have their heads connecting on his lap. We get to Nathan's and bring them to her they immediately surround her and won't let anyone near here. Let's just say they are scary when it comes to aggele mou.
Victor's Pov
Poor princess why would anyone do this to you. I immediately throw up once I seen her. I can't believe that her family did this. I thought our parents were monsters but I was dead wrong. When Gabe said she wouldn't stop talking about Apple pie I was like seriously of all things to say you pick Apple pie. Then north and Silas said it was a dog at the shelter and there will be another one that will come because they are princess's favorite dogs. I ask how she is because she looked horrible. Doc says " Well she is extremely dehydrated and hungry. She has a extremely burnt throat and was stabbed in the stomach so I had to stitch it up. She also has rope burn and is very tired. She is sleeping right now." I go back there and start asking for forgiveness for not believing her and telling her parents." I see Silas come in with 2 yellow labs. They immediately go to princess and lay beside her. Whenever we try to go near her they growl at us. Man these dogs are possible of her. But who can blame them she's the only thing that takes good care of them.
Mr.Blackbourne Pov
I can't believe I let her down like this. She was nearly killed because of our stupidity. I may never forgive myself for what happened. She probably hates us. Why didn't we just talk to her like rational people. No we had to go all cavemen like on her. When I first saw her I seriously thought she was dead. She was so pale and she wasn't moving either. Now I know why her bitch sister's said she would be gone any day now. Her family deserves to go to hell. No one should have done this to another person. When I get my hands on them they wouldn't live to see another day. When Gabe said she wouldn't stop talking about a fighter and Apple pie I was like what is she talking about. I then find out that they are two dogs at the shelter. I was shocked it was owned by two academy people. Apparently they knew she was a ghost bird but wouldn't tell her because they were afraid of what would happen to her. When she wakes up I am going to get answers from her.

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