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Dr. Green's Pov
Phil and I just finished checking her out. Her stab wound is infected and the rape kit was a mess. She will never be able to have kids because it was just bad. God we both had to leave the room to throw up. The nurses couldn't even stay in the room. Now she is asleep in her room with her two dogs. We put her on antibiotics for the infection. She is really weak from all the abuse. Hopefully she wakes up soon because we're all really really really worried about her. We are all blaming ourselves for this. We should have just talked to her. I feel like a total ass. I am on my way to get my brothers and head back to her room. The only reason I left her room was because I know those two dogs will protect her. I get to my office to see complete chaos. I say" What the hell is going on in here!" They all stop and stare at me. I say " You guys are not leaving here until you come the hell down and listen to me." They all say sorry doc and sit down. I say " I am going to be honest with you guys it's pretty bad. I only saw one other case like hers but it was in a textbook. She is extremely weak so we need to make sure she's comfortable and feels safe. We don't even know if she'll make it. We won't know anything until Tuesday of next week. I see them start crying. I tell them she will pull through because she lasted that long. We have her on antibiotics and blood transfusions because she lost a lot of blood."
Norths Pov
I walk out of the room because I am about to lose it who the fuck in there right minds would do such a thing. I am walking around trying to calm down. I can't even imagine what she's been through without anyone noticing or helping her. I sit down and just cry for her. She has been suffering for years now and she is so sweet and innocent. I hear someone sit next to me put I don't look up. I get shocked and say " shit! What now." I look down at my phone to see a message saying she gone. I look next to me and jump in surprise to see her sitting there. I say" What the hell are you doing here? Your suppose to be resting." She hugs me when I pick her up and head back to here room. Where I see all my brothers freaking out. Gabe says" Where the hell did she go? Where is north? Fuck did he take her with her." I say actually I went to get air when this little one followed me. I start laughing when they all spin around to look at me in shock. I go to put her back in bed when she shakes her head no. I say" What's wrong baby ? She just hugs me tighter so I lay with her and the two dogs. Surprisingly I am quite comfortable. I ask " Why did you leave your bed baby did something happen." She signs out nightmare and some guy was in here. Didn't know him. I say aww sweetie it's okay no one can hurt you now. We are here. You probably saw Dr.Robert he is super nice. He also gives you candy if your good." I can not believe I just basically encouraged him giving people junk. But what ever makes her comfortable and feel safe then I'll do it. Her face lights up and she signs chocolate that's what Kota told us since I don't know sign language. We all start laughing and say Yes even chocolate. At that her eyes light up. She signs out I love chocolate I only got it from my teachers when I was little because I was good.

Gabriel's Pov
When I walked into her room and only saw those dogs. I started panicking so I start looking for her I don't find her anywhere in the room so I red line the rest of my brothers to tell them I can't find her anywhere. I run to the nurses station and ask if they took her somewhere but they say no they don't know where she is. When the other get here asides from north I immediately think that fucker took trouble with him. When I told the other fuckers north say he didn't take her but she followed him. I look at trouble hugging him really tight she looks fucking afraid. Who the hell made my fucking trouble uncomfortable. I thought these little fuckers were suppose to be watching her. No they just lay in the bed and sleep like lazy asses. I see Dr.Robert come in and say oh you found her. Yeah thanks a lot little piece of shit you didn't do anything. He says He is going to give her something to sleep. She looks terrified of him so we tell her this is Dr.Robert. Her face lights up with recognition. God she is so fucking beautiful when she's not fucking terrified. She signs can I have a piece of chocolate? God she is too funny only my trouble would want a piece of fucking chocolate.

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