Jessica's New Friend

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Kota's Pov
I am extremely nervous about Jessica joining this big sister club to meet new friends. I mean what kind of person is she getting and are they really nice and why are they doing this. I just don't want to see her get hurt. We are meeting her today Jessica said she is really really sweet and kind but I just don't trust her with my sister. Everyone is going to meet here as well to see if we all trust her. I know I might be over reacting about this but I can't help it she's my baby sister and I just want to protect her. I am pulled out of my thoughts when everyone shows up asides from Jessica and that other girl. They finally get here because Max is barking at the stranger. When they walk in I am completely shocked to see this small little girl just as tall as Jessica but a lot skinnier. She has a lot of item's in her hands so I move to her to help. I see she made a lot of different things. So I say" Hey Jess who is this?" She says" This is Sang Sorenson, she's 16 years old and goes to Ashley waters high school." Oh my this poor girl is suck in that hell hole. I say " Hi I'm Kota and these are my friends this here Silas the one next to him is North and the other one with the blond hair is Luke next to him on the right is Gabriel but he likes to go by Gabe. The one on the left of Luke is Victor. And over there on the other couch is Nathan the one in the middle is Dr.Green and next to him is Mr.Blackbourne or Mr.B. She just waves hi to us and says " So I heard you wanted to question me. Everyone starts laughing and she viability relaxes. She is really really really hot.
Sangs Pov
I am nervous to meet Jessica's family. I didn't know what they liked so I made everything from cookies to brownies. I also made them dinner since I know her mom works a lot. I joined this club because I want to help girls feel better about themselves because let's face it. I am worthless and ugly. My family always punishes me so I thought I would be helping the girl while keeping myself safe for a little bit longer everyday. When I met Jessica she was so shy but really really really pretty. I am going to work on her confidence. But when we got to her house and saw all those guys and all I can think is wow that's a lot of brothers to have. I hope I made enough for everyone. They all are staring at me and what I'm carrying. Finally they all introduce themselves I say So I heard you wanted to question me. They probably want to see if I am good enough for her. But I was really shocked to find out that only Kota is her brother. After they settled down I say I'm, is anyone hungry I made dinner for Jessica and her family because I know your mom works all day. I am sorry if you take offense to that I didn't mean too I add because they look annoyed at what I did. Oh no I just mess up on the first day I am such an idiot! You can't do anything right just want mother says.
Norths Pov
We are meeting Jessica's "big sister" I see her come in and let's just say she is pretty but I am confused about why she has all this food with her. I hope it's for her because she is way too skinny to be healthy. She waves to us and says" I heard you wanted to question me." And we all start laughing because it was awkward until she said that. She says she made dinner for Kota and his family. Also dessert for them since she knows Erica works all day. We all stare at her until she says" Sorry if you took offense to that I didn't mean too." Everyone still stares at her. She starts shifting uncomfortably so I say" hey it's okay we all are just kinda shocked right guys." They all say right. She says" I will be right back I'm going to heat it up okay." We just nod our heads and as soon as she leaves Jessica turns around and says" See there's nothing to worry about she's really really nice and sweet look at what she did." She is smiling like she use to when she was younger which I have seen in a while. Which I am happy to see because she has been having a really hard time fitting in with other girls her age. I got to say I was shocked to find out that she is the same age as us and goes to our " New school" Why haven't we seen her there before? But that school is way too crowded so it would be easy to not see her. I can tell she's hiding something but I just don't know what. But I know that it's has nothing to do with us or the academy but her personal life at home I think.

Please let me know how you liked this and who's Pov do you want next. Please comment and let me know what I should improve on or fix.


The Big Sister Club Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora