What the hell happened to you!?

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Sangs Pov
I am extremely tired and sore from the past two days but those dogs in there and Jessica are the only thing that I keep living for. I get to Kota's and Jessica's house to see everyone there asides from Jessica. I put their dinner in the refrigerator for later and sit down to wait for Jessica. They are all staring at me so I say " What?" Gabe is like " What, oh why are we all fucking staring at you? I fucking know maybe it was because your were fucking attacked at school then you went to that fucking shelter like nothing fucking happened. That's Fucking what!" Well it was a miss understanding because I told north not to worry. I'm fine and we are not going to tell Jessica anything else I'll kick your buts got it. I give each of them a glare before continuing its not the first time and it won't be the last but don't worry I will never put anyone in danger I mostly get everyone's punishment in school. Do you know what I mean? I raise my eyebrow.
Gabriel's Pov
Trouble herself comes walking with dinner for us and sits down like nothing fucking happened. After a while she is like what and I fucking lose it. She is acting like this fucking shit happens all the fucking time. This shot better not fucking happen all the Damn fucking time. When she say " you do not tell Jessica anything or I'll kick your but." I internally laugh thinking yeah you would not be able to take the giant down. Then she says something about how she will never put anyone else in danger that she mostly gets there punishments if you know what I mean? And then she raises that fucking eyebrow at us like fucking daring us to ask. I say I have no idea what the fuck your talking about too.You better tell us what the fuck is going to happen this year. She says "you know how I'm always the one to be called down to the office after something happens?" I see everyone starting to understand but I still don't so I say go on trouble we don't have all fucking day you know. Everyone else stares at me like are you kidding me. She says " Since I have to spell it out for someone I will then you leave me alone because then it will make things 10x worst okay." Everyone nods their heads and stare at me. Trouble says " Well Mr.Mccory rapes me in return for everyone else safety." It was quite for .2 seconds before all hell breaks lose. I mean I can't imagine. I'm speechless.
Dr.Green's Pov
I am having such a hard time comprehending this. Mr.Mccory punishes her instead of the people who actually did it. I thought it was bad until now. I just want to throw up and kill that ass. She then whispers something put Silas is the only that heard anything and I can tell it's not good if he is this pale. He whispers" What do you mean aggele mou?" He looks so broken hearted. I see him hug her then start freaking out that her back is bleeding. She acts like it's no big deal but when I say can I see your back please. She says " Yeah but you can't do anything about it." I look at her back and gasp it looks so disgusting with all these words and patterns carved into her back new and old. I see Victor run out of the room while the others start freaking out. I decided to take charge because obviously they are not going to. I say to Kota to get my medical kit out. Luke get me paper towels wet and dry. Silas and Nathan go distract Jessica. North come over here and help me you too Gabe. Owen go get the car ready just in case we need to bring her in. Victor I need your help while Gabe and north distract her.
Norths Pov
I knew something was up but she says its okay. No it's not no one should be hurting her like this. I am trying to distract her from what doc is doing but she doesn't move, cry nothing which is really strange considering how mess up her back is. Sang is really distracting us instead by making causal talk about school and stuff. It like how can you not be in pain and why are you talking about school when there is more important things going on right now. This girl is strong because I wouldn't have made it this far and still be nice. I mean my dad is a ass but I am still affected everyday but she had it worse and is like totally fine and happy but I can tell it's faked. I really want to kill whoever hurt her. I will protect her and when are we going to get that background check back? Oh well we need to make sure she is okay not about who she is and shit like that.

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