Meeting The Family: Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

Aisha's POV:

Ok so I understand that I should be preparing how to behave but watching TV and eating is much more fun.

I turned to look at the clock, 4:30. Well I better start preparing. I put on my dress and decided to wear some black wedges to match the outfit.

I didn't want to wear makeup but of course Farhana wouldn't let me go without a small amount of eyeshadow. I did my hair into a elegant bun. Not like the type I wore to work, but similar.

To top it off, I put on a traditional gold necklace. I only wore it to extremely special occasions, but it looked pretty with my dress.

"So you know your manners right?", Farhana scolded.

"Yes I do, of course".

"Okay remember to say please and thank you and offer to help even if you don't want to."

"I know Farhana!"

"It's 'I know Farhana' please now keep in mind of the time", she warned. Honestly she could just be my mom.

"Yeah I get it! Bye!", I said shutting the door behind me.

The minute I arrived at the doorstep, I was filled with joy, excitement, and fear. I rang the doorbell and Hachim ran to get it.

"Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you're here. You look great. Come in!", he greeted me and gave me a big hug as if I just came back from Antarctica.

The second the door opened  I was scared my jaw would hit the floor. The walls were marble not fake, real. The floors were made of expensive marble too but not like the walls. When I looked up I could see a huge staircase leading to the second floor.

"Hello you must be Ms. Mansoor", I was startled from my thoughts. Hachim's father was tall a little taller than Hachim and had a sweet wrinkly smile on his face.

"Yes, pleasure to meet you.", I reached out my hand for him to shake and he politely shook it back.

"Hello. I'm Hachim's mother", his mother greeted reaching out to give me a hug. She, on the other hand was short. She had straight brown hair and shared many physical traits with Hachim.

Sara was next. She seemed very eager to meet me. She greeted me with a long hug.

"Come sit we're having dinner", they lead me into the dining room which was indescribable itself.

"I like her already.", I heard Sara whisper to her mother. A small smile spread across my face.
Hachim's POV:

So far Aisha was killing it. I had never heard that many pleases and thank you's in my life. She even offered to set the table. Again, probably the work of Farhana.

"So Ms. Mansoor, you are a doctor?", my father asked raising an eyebrow.

"You can call me Aisha, but yes I am a sports medic. I was born and raised in the United States. I also studied there, but our family is Moroccan", she answered confidently. Even the way she ate was enough to turn heads. I could see my family was impressed.

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