Chapter 14

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"So when do we get to meet the lucky girl?" Matt K asks. I shrug, taking a sip of water.

"I don't know. We're not even dating yet."

"Well you said she's not the usual bottle blondes you play," Jordan points out. "She's gonna be a little hard to crack."

"I'll get her by the end of the week," I say, pulling the list out of my pocket. Confused? You should be. You see, I have this list. I call it "The Heartbreaker To-Do List". It's a bunch of cute sappy crap to do with the girl of my choice, which right now is Summer. It has stuff like, "Dance in the rain" and "cuddle while watching Disney movies". Basically what it is, is a list of things I'm supposed to do before giving the girl the signal that I want to "make love" as they like to call it. So once the list is all checked off, I bang them, then leave. I'm not your average heartbreaker, as you can tell.

"You've never played a normal girl before," Matt N adds. "Maybe using her isn't the best idea. From all the stories Austin's told us, she seems like a really sweet girl. I think you should stick to the girls who just want sex."

"And who are you to tell me who to date?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Calm down, Oli. You're not even dating her."

"Yet," I correct him. He rolls his eyes.

"I'm just saying, mate. No need to get butt-hurt about it. How far are you into the list?" I look down at it and scan it with a smile.

"Almost halfway through," I say triumphantly. Jordan nods, playing with the keys on his keyboard.

"I really want to meet her," Matt N says, looking worried. I chuckle.

"Why do you care so much?" He shrugs. "Well, if it's really important to you, then I'll have her over my place tomorrow and you can meet her."

"Alright, you guys can go now. We're done," Rob, the recording guy says. I nod and we all walk out to our cars.

"How long are you planning to stay with Summer?" Lee asks, catching up with me as I'm about to drive away.

"Um... well, knowing her, it'll probably take a few weeks to get her to go out with me, and then another few weeks to finish the list, so... I'd say a month, maybe?" He nods, backing away so I can drive. I shake my head, sticking the key into the ignition and starting down the road. Why did everyone care about her so much? Is it because she's not a slut? Or is it because she's practically Austin's sister, and they're worried if I break her heart that Austin will murder everyone? He most likely will, but I'm used to angry brothers/dads/best friends trying to kill me after I break a girl's heart.

You almost have her in your hands, Oliver. Patience. It's just for a little while.

(A/N: :O WHAAAAT?!?! WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE IN OLI'S POINT OF VIEW?! haha c: So I noticed that the story was getting a bit too mushy, so I decided to put some suspense in here. I know what you're thinking. "BUT OLI CHANGED!!!! HE'S A GOOD GUY NOW!!!!!" WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG, DARLING! Do you think he'll change in the end? Comment what you think will happen!)

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