“It won’t be long till you are finally out of this place, look at you now. up and about and able to walk with a crutch.” Kelly reminded him.

“Yeah,” Danny nodded, looking thoughtful, “Speaking of which, I want to take a little stroll around the hospital grounds right now, I think the fresh air will do me good.

“Sure, if you think you will be ok,” Kelly replied a little anxiously.

“Of course I will be ok, you will be with me,” he smiled.

Kelly felt the familiar little jolt of attraction, as she met his hazel eyes, but decided this was not the time to act on it.

“Okay well lets get your dressing gown on, we don’t want you catching a cold or anything, especially when you are doing so well” she told him briskly, picking up his dressing gown that was lying across the bed, and proceeded to help him into it.

Thankfully they were on the ground floor so it was just a matter of traversing through a few corridors before they got the entrance, and outside onto the hospital grounds.

“Ahh! that’s better,” Danny remarked in satisfaction, taking in a deep breath of the open air around him, making Kelly smile.

“There is a bench around the other side of the building, I guess we could just take a stroll as far as that, then it means you can sit down if it is too much for you.” she suggested.

“Sounds like a plan,” Danny agreed happily, then hobbled along, leaning heavily on his crutch, whilst Kelly walked next to him, making sure he was okay and could manage offering her arm in case he needed to lean on her as well.

“You are doing really well,” she told him encouragingly, as they reach the corner of the building, and now turned down the path towards the bench a few yards away.

“Yeah I am,” Danny agreed, then before Kelly realised his intentions, he swiftly scooped his free arm around her waist, and pulled her towards the little nearby niche in the wall of the hospital building, and somehow getting her up against it, his body pressing up against hers

“Danny what-” she started to protest, but then was silenced as his lips now locked onto hers, and he kissed her hungrily.

Getting over shock of his actions, she found herself happily kissed him back, her arms sliding around his neck, now clinging to him, recalling how much she yearned for him to hold her like this again and how she had missed it.

It had been a while from they had actually been this close, not since before they had fallen out.

Even when they had made up after that, with Danny’s injuries and hospitalisation, they had only held hands, and kissed briefly on the lips, or on the cheek.

But now they were making up for that lost time, but then Danny pulled away from her a little, and let out a small satisfied sigh, “Mm, you don’t know how much I have been wanting to do that for a while now” he told her huskily,

"I would have done it sooner, only with those damned nurses and visitors popping in and out of my room all the tim,e I couldn't get the chance until now, and I finally figured out a way to get you all to myself, you don't know how good it feels to be able to kiss you properly at last"

“Actually, I think I have a pretty good idea,” Kelly replied unsteadily with a small smile

Danny chuckled softly, “I missed you so much Kelly,” he then said proceeding to place small urgent kisses over her face on her forehead and closed eyelids, the tip of her nose and cheeks, before he found her mouth again

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