She looked at me curiously, then turned to answer a comment from Maldor. Falcon seized the chance and jauntily walked up to me.

I felt bile rise in my throat. Just his smug look made me want to vomit.

"I hope you'll make up your mind soon," he said, a cruel smile spreading across his face like frozen tar.

"Soon, perhaps," I said cordially, backing away. My own doubt and anger radiated around me, and whether it was for this reason or not, I felt the tension escalate between the already terse meeting.

"...feared the worst," Maldor was saying to Legolas.

"But hoped for the best, I'm sure," the Prince returned with a small smile.

"Nothing we have found here in the ruins could point to an answer," Legolas announced shortly thereafter, striding among the assembled group.

"Was this journey for nothing, then?" Falcon remarked.

"Not for nothing, since without coming we would have been in doubt forever," Legolas replied with obvious feigned politeness. "And besides, there are places yet we must see to. Lady Gianna and myself were only able to penetrate into one underground barrack, there are scores more."

"We must continue on," I added. "What we seek must be found."

The leagues between ruins took forever to traverse, and although a few crumbled establishments existed there was no forthcoming answer.

Speaking of which, Falcon had shadowed me the entire time, treading even within my footsteps to frustrate me further.

At least without the necklace the confusion of Mordor was lessened, but still I heard haunting winds borne on evil breath and cries of dying men every so often. A man from Gondor too often had to speak to his fellows to prevent from going mad.

I kept the words of Irmo in my head as we walked. A divine weapon. The end of the world's joy, happiness. So much had changed since I chanced upon Greenwood. And thus, the walk continued, the snow dazzling and pale, the silence long and vast.

Nightfall again in the dark land brought bitter cold, even more so than the last night, and images of Legolas and I intertwined under the stars kept me from sleeping soundly, instead considering all the ways I would love him, if he would let me. If I would let me.

Startled out of my thoughts, my skin prickled at the faint feeling that someone was amongst us, and I looked into the night to see my fears were confirmed.

A dark shape stood over Maldor, who barely slumbered next to me, and like lightning, I saw a flash of a blade.

I barely contained a shout and instead gasped in horror. The shape stood up quickly and strode over to me.

It was Falcon. I hated the way he had been corrupted, with evil in his very blood. He silently leapt over to me, crouching over my body with some twisted triumph, and held the dagger to my throat. I had no time to defend myself before I felt the cold metal against my neck.

"Someone goes tonight, Gianna," he said nonchalantly. "It's you or him."

"Why?" I breathed, terrified. I thought instantly that Legolas should be here, he wouldn't have let him, but that is exactly why he was here. As was his custom, Legolas stayed up monitoring our locale for safety reasons, he wouldn't be here.

"You don't give me an answer," he said. "I want you to come with me."

His gaze softened. "I don't want to kill you," he implored. "There is so much I need from you...that I want from you."

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