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                     Third person Pov
He loved everything about her. His favorite thing about her was never definite. One day his favorite thing would be how her beautiful skin glistened in the sunlight. The next it would be how her hair always seemed to sway, no matter how still the air was. Although, if he had to narrow it down, he would say her eyes.

The first thing he loved about them was how they were a beautiful (e/c) shaded color. Their color was only enhanced in the sunlight, which came around more often when his feelings for her began to show.

Then he loved how emotional they could be, but sometimes they could be emotionless. Her eyes were amazing when she was angry or happy. They lit up with either a playful glint, or a baleful glare. He would never admit it but when she was angry, he got scared from time to time because of how much fury her eyes held.

He couldn't help but give her whatever she wanted when she smiled because of how her eyes lit up. Usually he would just give her things because she never asked; she didn't like having to depend on people. He often thought and voiced," Those beautiful (e/c) orbs will be the death of me."

A/N: Hey guys! This is my first thing I've published so I'm not sure if it's good or not. Sorry if it was too short! Let me know what you thought about it in the comments and don't be shy to leave requests!

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