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Third person Pov
If you asked (Y/N), she'd say Pan was sexist, which was pretty much the truth. He expected her to cook and clean and do whatever he wanted without any protest. A big mistake on his part.

(Y/N) had gotten into mild arguments with him about it on multiple occasions, but one night she had finally had enough.

Pan and the boys were preparing to go and hunt. he insisted that she should not go with them, claiming that she was too weak, and wouldn't be able to keep up. He definitely did not expect the response he got from her." You know what? I am so sick and tired of you telling me everyday that I'm weak and that I hold you all back! If that's the case, then let me go home! You act as if I want to be here! I'd rather be anywhere but here!" She said, not holding back.

Pan was taken aback. He knew that (Y/N) could have a bit of a feisty attitude, but he didn't expect her to challenge him, especially not in front of the boys." What makes you think that you can talk to me like this. You should be thankful that I've let you live!" He hissed out.

"As a prisoner! I would've been better off with anyone else, but I've been kidnapped by a boy who spends his free time playing tag and hide and go seek!" She said wryly.

He glowered at her angrily." If I were you I'd remember the rules I've told you." He said darkly." I thought Neverland was a place where you don't have to worry about following rules." She countered.

Pan clenched his fists and walked towards the entrance of the forest. The boys followed their leader. Out of nowhere, an arrow whizzed past Pan's face, only inches from his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise. He whipped his head around only to find the culprit quite a distance away, smirking." Who's weak?"

A/N: Feedback! I need it! Do you like it or not? If not tell me how I can improve it. Don't be shy to request!

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