Beautiful Mystery

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                  Third Person POV

Was she his enemy or his acquaintance? Peter couldn't come to a sensible conclusion.

If one sent a smile as enchanting as hers, wouldn't that make her an acquaintance?

To put it quite simply, (Y/N) truly baffled him. Right when he thought that he had her completely figured out, he noticed something else about her.

He desired to unearth every hidden aspect of her being. She was such a frustrating mystery to him. A mystery, it seemed, that would go unsolved.

There was something enticing about the secrecy. She had drawn him in, closer and closer until he had no hopes left of escaping her web of perplexity.

The unnerving part of the whole predicament, was that she had done this all unintentionally.

She had captured his full and undivided attention without even trying, and she wasn't even aware. He had grown to be quite adept at masking his emotions some time ago.

He attempted to suppress all thoughts of her, but it was fruitless. She'd captured him, and there were no longer any hopes of escape.

Although he had to admit, he was a very willing captive.

A/N: My deepest apologies for the wait. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!

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