Unassailable Heart

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                 Third Person POV

A person whose trust had been betrayed time after time again, wouldn't be too eager to get close to anyone.

The heart of Peter Pan had been hardened with a layer of jagged stone to keep out any that trespassed. The sentimental Peter had died long before he arrived in Neverland. Those that had harmed him had no remorse for the boy, so why should he have any for anyone else?

Those hideous monsters that hid behind their masks of humanity were able to fool the rest of the world, but Peter wasn't so easily swayed.

Yes, he had been hurt, but he didn't yearn for pity. No one pitied him then, and he definitely didn't want pity now. He didn't play the victim, even though that's exactly what he was. He continued to live, with a heart of stone blocking any sort of jubilant emotion.

Now he was on an island, surrounded by loyal companions, none truly understanding the boy that lied underneath. He was content with this; the old him was gone, and there was no turning back.

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