Chapter 48: Hikaru Zaizen

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Ryaka's POV

After dinner, the tired Seigaku guys retired early to bed. It was only 8pm at that time so she decided to have a night run herself. She hasn't been participating in the exercises and would like to maintain her body condition.

She quickly changed into her work out clothes, strapped her phone in her arm, wore her earphones and headed out.

"Kya~~!" She cried as she bumped into Tezuka who was heading in.

"Ah Rye." Tezuka said.

"Gomen Kuni-kun, I thought you were already asleep." Ryaka apologized while taking her earphones off.

"You're going for a run?" Tezuka asked, noticing her get up.

"Hai. I figured its still early so I'm going for a little run. See ya." She waved and started jogging on the trail towards the lake.


She reached the lake and sweat is already forming on her forehead. 'Gahhhh~!!! I really love this feeling of being warmed up and energized!' she thought happily.

She was already halfway around the lake when she saw a figure about 20ft from her. She changed her pace and approached him and saw that it was Hikaru Zaizen from Shitenhoji.

"Zai-kun." She called.


Zaizen's POV

He was having some alone time and thinking about things on the lake side when someone called to him.


He turned and saw that it was Ryaka Echizen.

"WHAT?!" He burst out.

He saw her shocked expression, probably because of his loud tone. Her expression only lasted a second and she's now smiling at him which made him even more annoyed.

"Gomen, I didn't mean to intrude on you. I was just jogging and saw you so I figured I should say hi." Ryaka smiled.

That innocent smile of hers ticks him off. Who does this girl think she is? Does she enjoy those attention she's getting? Why is she even here? He knows she's Seigaku's manager and she supposedly knows the camp owner but what gives? She isn't even a player! She's sitting pretty all day watching them evaluating them. This was supposed to be a camp where their dreams are to be founded, and no one needs a distraction like her. Worst of all, he doesn't even know why she annoys him like this too much. He knows he shouldn't care at all but he doesn't know why he's feeling like this towards the Echizen girl.

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