Chapter 7: The amusement park

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Third person's POV

"Hey! Ochibi! Ryaka-san! Over here~!!" Eiji wildly waves at them on the park they agreed to meet. He is with Oishi, Momo and Inui.

"Eh? Shusuke isn't here yet?" Ryaka asked.

"I wonder... Fuji-senpai is never late, and he's the one who organized this." Momo said thoughtfully.

"Oh there he is!" Oishi pointed out to Fuji coming.

"Sorry everyone, I had to stop by some place." Fuji apologized and approached Ryaka. "This is for you" he handed her a single white rose.

"Wow, how'd you know my favorite flower?" Ryaka asked surprised.

"It was sort of a hunch, since you look so pure and angelic like this white rose." Fuji replied while smiling.

"That's very sweet of you. There does it look good?" Ryaka asked as she put the flower on her ear. "Arigato gozaimasu Shusuke!" she gave Fuji a peck on the cheek.

Fuji was stunned and almost melted with redness.

Everyone's jaw dropped and Ryoma is glaring at Fuji.

"Ne, ne Fuji~! You sure move fast don't you~?" Eiji was getting anime hearts around him.

"Nee-chan! You aren't in America anymore! Why'd you have to kiss his cheek????" Ryoma asked while still glaring at Fuji.

"Oh, I'm sorry everyone. It was actually a way of saying thank you to someone, I got used to it. Gomen, Shusuke." Ryaka said.

"O-oh, don't worry about it Ryaka." Fuji said while being back to the smiling expression but still red.

From a tree across them, Tezuka was hiding and saw the whole incident. He adjusted his glasses and walked away with a grim expression on his face.


Ryaka's POV

"So, Ryaka-san, where do you want to go?" Momo asked her.

"Oh, would it be okay if we go to an amusement park? I'm in the mood for rides and park food today. Hihi." Ryaka happily suggested.

"Yay~! I love amusement parks! Let's go~!!" Eiji jumped up and down.

They rode a bus going to the park and Ryoma hurriedly sat beside his sister and glared at Fuji.

"Hey, chibisuke, we're going somewhere fun stop giving out those dark vibes. Haha." Ryaka laughed at her brother.

When they got to the park, Ryaka can't help but feel really excited. Ryoga used to take her to amusement parks when they were kids but that stopped when she started her singing career.

"Ohhh! How nice!! Hey, let's go ride the roller coaster!" Ryaka exclaimed like a kid. Fuji smiled at her looking amused at her reaction.

"Nee-chan, don't be too excited and slow down a bit okay??" Ryoma worriedly said.

"Don't worry too much Chibisuke, its going to be okay." Ryaka smiled at him and Ryoma seems to be assured.

Everyone had fun trying out the different rides, even Ryoma tried so hard to hide his glee. They took a lot of pictures together as well.

"Man I'm tired. Let's go have something to eat!" Momo said after they rode almost everything. "Hey Echizen--Ryoma, come with me I heard they have burgers over to that side." Ryoma who has a big appetite for burgers agreed right away.

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