Chapter 11: Hannah

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-flashback continues-

Hannah was waiting in front of the center as they arrived. She immediately ran to Ryaka and hugged her. "Ryeeeeeeeeeee-ccchhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!!" She squealed.

"H-hannah! -cough- Nice to -cough- s-see you!" Ryaka managed to cough out as she can't breathe with Hannah's tight hug. "I-I c-can't breathe -cough-"

"Oh my my, I'm sorry Rye." Hannah laughed as she released Ryaka from the hug.

Ryaka caught her breath and smiled at her. "Haha, its okay."

"Kunimitsu-kun, thank you for picking her up and bringing her to lunch." Hannah gave Tezuka the pretty eyes.

Tezuka glared at her. Black and purple aura coming out of him. Hannah animatedly ran to Ryaka's back and hid while peeking at Tezuka. "He's evil, he's evil, he's evil." She whispers to Ryaka.

Ryaka just chuckled at them. "Tezuka-kun, thank you for accompanying me. I had fun."

Tezuka let the evil aura go and looked at Ryaka "No problem, I had fun as well. Please excuse me, I'm going back to my room." He said as he walked inside the center.

Hannah looked back from Tezuka to Ryaka to Tezuka and back to Ryaka again. "Ehhhh? Did I hear him right? Kunimitsu-kun had fun??? I didn't know he even had the word fun in his vocabulary."

"You're still crazy as ever Hannah, I bet you're giving him a hard time aren't you?"

"Not at all! HE'S the one giving me a hard time. I'm older than him and his trainor at that and he always nags me about everything I do 'Ms. Hannah don't drink too much' 'Ms. Hannah you shouldn't dress like that' Ms. Hannah this, Ms. Hannah that! Such an evil guy! T_T" Hannah anime cries again.

"He's just looking out for you. He's really a nice guy." Ryaka said while smiling to herself.

"Is he now?" Hannah smiled slyly at her.

"Hey why are you smiling like that?? Don't misunderstand me. I'm just saying he's nice that's all."

"Why are you getting all defensive for?" Hannah continued to tease her.

"Whatever! Why don't you show me around instead?" Ryaka walked towards the center.


Hannah showed Ryaka the different facilities inside the center, their top class gyms, laboratories, high techonology equipments, and everything else.

"So this is the world famous Rehabilitation Clinic huh? Sure does live up to its reputation. Must be fun working here." Ryaka said as she was amazed by everything.

"Why don't you?" Hannah seriously suggested.

"Like that's even possible." Ryaka smiled bitterly.

"Well, how long are you going to stay here in Germany?"

"After my concert on Saturday, I'm booked until Wednesday following that weekend for appearances and all that. I guess I can stay for a month on my own. That's the most Ms. Mayu ever gives me."

"How about you stay with me here at the center while you're here in Germany? I can use your specialty in here since I'm training athletes, I specifically need your help with Tezuka-kun. You know don't you?"

"Yeah I noticed something about his left arm. That was a really bad injury. He pushed it too hard. But its almost healed isn't it?"

"As expected of you Rye, you saw it without even seeing him play or asking about it. So, you think you can help out?"

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