Chapter 26- Niall's Secret

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I watched as she put her books inside her bag nearly and she flicked her long blonde hair off her shoulder. I saved to a few girls who had recognized me even though I was wearing a disguise. They were whispering to each other with wide eyes, so that's how I knew they were fans. I flashed them a cheeky smile. I loved every single one of my fans.

When Belle walked over to me, I placed my hand to the small of her back and escorted her outside.

"Harry? What's the emergency?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face. I explained to her what happened and the puzzled look was replaced with wide eyes.

I took her inside my black Range Rover and she started sobbing. I leaned over from the driver's seat and pulled her into a hug.

"Shh. Don't cry Belle. Everything's going to be alright. Liam's a strong boy." I said rubbing small circles onto her back. She placed her head on my shoulder and sobbed. I put my chin on her head and inhaled the scent of her strawberry-flavored shampoo.

"D-don't tell him I like him" she said looking in my eyes.

"Why?" I asked. If I didn't tell him, he would never know what she went through.

"Just don't. Promise me you won't?" She asked holding out her pinky. I was confused for a second but then I connected my pinky finger with her small one.

"I promise" I said nodding my head. She gave me a quick peck on my cheek and settled in her seat. My cheeks grew warm for some reason and I started the car.

Amanda's POV:

I watched as Niall turned into a deserted road.

"Niall where are we going?" I asked him looking around frantically. I hope this wasn't like that story, Dark.

"Don't worry I'm just taking a short cut." He said looking around a little too.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked as the paved road became a dirt road. The car bumped along the small rocks and sand in the road. The sun shined through the trees now surrounding us.

"Yeah. There's a road at the end of this one and we just take a left and we're at the hospital!" Niall said leaning on the steering wheel, trying to look as far as he could. I rolled my eyes. There was Niall and his stubborn self.

Suddenly, we heard a sputtering and grunting noise and it was coming from the car! The car slowed down and it came to a stop.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit." Niall said banging the steering wheel with his hand.

"Great! Just great! You couldn't have filled the tank with gas before coming?" I said and rolled my head back and groaned.

"I forgot! I was going to fill it up, but then Liam.." Niall said. I grunted loudly and pulled out my phone. I could call somebody to come pick us up. I dialed Liz' number and the female voice of a machine said "I'm sorry. The call that you are trying to place can't be made right now. Please try again later." I looked at my phone confusedly. Why wasn't the call going through? Then I looked at my service bars and that's when I realized I didn't have any service.

"Great! I don't have any service either! This day couldn't get any better" I said shoving my phone inside my bag.

"Hey at least you're with me" Niall said cheekily stepping out of the car.

"Shut it Horan we're having a crisis." I ordered him, pointing a finger at him.

"Fine" he said sticking out his tongue at me. I had gotten out the car too and I surveyed the land for any sign of life. I put my hands on my hips and sighed.

"Let's push the car and see wherever the road ahead leads to"   I said and walked to the backside of the car. Niall simply nodded his head and placed his hands on the car beside me. I placed my hands beside his and pushed with all my might. He pushed too and we got the car to move a few inches. We kept pushing for about 10 minutes and the car barely moved a few feet. I stopped pushing and slumped against the car.

"Forget it. This car isn't going anywhere." I said and Niall stopped pushing and just stared at me.

"Why are you staring at me? Stop that!" I said and waved my hands in front of his eyes. He smirked and I grunted. He came closer and just stared at me.

"Stop it Niall!" I said giggling as he used his fingers to open his eyes up more.

"I'm watching you" he said in a creepy, erie voice.

"Oh really?" I asked giggling again.

"Yes" he said trying to sound scary once again.

"Babe you know that you're as scary as a baby panda?" I asked and he whined and said, "Hey!"

He slumped against the car too and we remained quiet for a while, just taking in our beautiful surroundings. We were kind of in the middle of the woods like we were 3 years ago.

"This reminds me of the first time we hung out..." Niall said quietly, like he had read my mind.

"I was thinking that too.." I said quietly.

"So do you erm have a boyfriend?" Niall asked nervously scratching his head.

"Do you have a girlfriend? The answer to that is my answer." I said.

"Oh. What's his name?" Niall asked.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and said, "What do you mean?"

"Amanda.. I have a girlfriend" he said and a familiar feeling shot through my body. Pain, jealousy and sadness.

Note: Woah! Weren't expecting that were ya? I wasn't either! Honestly! When I write, I automatically make up stuff along the way.  Don't hate me for the cliffhanger ;)

So have you guys checked out my latest stories, Drowning and Lux: Whose Baby is She? It would mean a lot if y'all did (:

And one more thing, this story isn't over yet there are a lot more things that are going to happen!


I luffs y'all so much,


(Vote if you want to know about Niall's girl friend!!)

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