Chapter 19

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"Come on Hiccup! You have to help me find her! Please." Snotlout begged Hiccup.
"Snotlout, I know you want her to be safe, but she did say that they were going to get her a dragon, and when you have a dragon, you're definitely safe." Hiccup said, patting Toothless on the head.
"Please Hiccup, I need to find her." Snotlout begged again.
"Snotlout, I can't spare any of my tracking dragons, they're all out tracking Dagur." Hiccup said, waving Snotlout away as he continued walking.

Snotlout let out a 'Hurrumpf' noise and walked the other way.

If Hiccup won't help me, I'm sure Eret will. He thought as he walked towards Eret's house.

He reached the door and knocked loudly, so you could hear it anywhere in the house.

He heard shuffling and the door opened. "Yes Snotlout?" Eret asked, confused as to why Snotlout was at his door.
"I need your help to find Iona, well more Skullcrusher's help, but you know what I mean." Snotlout said quickly.
"Yeah, ok, we could use a flight." Eret said after thinking about it.
"Awesome! Can you get Skullcrusher and meet me at the academy?" Snotlout asked.
"Yeah, sure." Eret replied.
"Seeya soon!" Snotlout yelled while running off, but before Eret could reply, he was gone.


Jay'ero paced thoughtfully across the deck of his boat that was on a course to Berk. There was one boat in the lead, and the others followed a bit behind as to not seem threatening.

"Sir, we'll reach Berk by tomorrow afternoon." A man said, coming up behind Jay'ero.
"Good, good." Jay'ero said, waving the man away.

"The closer we are to Berk, the closer I am to my revenge." He said quietly, before bursting into a cackling laughter that echoed across the icy blue waters all around them.

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