Chapter 7

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The three dragon riders approached the ship. They were planning to just land on the deck and ask for her back peacefully, until they saw the mast.

As they got closer, they heard a battle cry and saw Iona rip herself from a man's arms, tackling him to the ground.

"Iona!" Snotlout's cry went through the clear air. Hookfang went into a swan dive and dove towards the boat. Astrid and Hiccup followed.


"Iona!" She heard Snotlout cry. I'm sorry Snotlout. She thought as she punched someone in the stomach. She turned around to see her father storming towards her.

"Iona!" He screeched, lifting up a fist.
"No father!" She yelled, glancing up at the oncoming dragon riders and hiding her hurt when she saw Snotlout falter. "I won't help you catch and kill dragons! I love dragons! Not as shoes or bags, but as friends, allies, pets!" She yelled at him, looking him in the eye.
"Iona Clementine Grimborn!" Her father said sternly, "You are to stop this nonsense and come home immediately!" He yelled.
"No!" She yelled back. "I will not go back! Not now! Not ever! Leave me be Ryker, I'm not the daughter you wanted, but I'm now the daughter you've lost." She said before she hauled herself overboard, plunging into the icy cold sea.

She looked up and saw a net coming her way, she quickly swam out of the range, before the heat seeped out of her body and her vision started to fade.

She started drifting down, deeper into the dark blue ocean. She saw a figure swimming towards her, a dragon following them.

I'm sorry Snotlout, I should've heard your side of the story. I'm sorry mother, I do ruin every chance I get at love, like I said. I'm sorry Snotlout's friends, you tried to help him, and then me. And last but not least, I'm sorry father, for you've lost my mother, and now you've lost me... She thought as Snotlout wrapped his arms around her and her vision went black.

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