I made for the back room, where I spotted a rack of clothes. A bright orange bandeau-type tube top and a pair of denim cut-offs caught my eye, so I pulled them off the hanger, but it wasn't nearly revealing enough for good tips. Hopefully my indecently high heels would make up for the not-sexy-enough outfit.

The night actually went by in a flash. I was surprised. The tips weren't great, and most of the night was spent finding out how this place worked. I did manage to pick up a few tables though, and therefore a little bit of money.

"Your next shift will be tomorrow night. We're short staffed since one of the better bands are coming in, so we really need you in on time. 5 o'clock." she smiled. "And there'll be big money to be made, so come in looking your best." 

"See you then." I nodded, and walked out the door, clutching my apron, car keys, and the hundred dollars I had earned tonight. 

I climbed in the car and turned the key in the ignition, listening as it roared to life. Where to now? I thought. 

Technically, I was still mad at Axl, but I didn't feel like going back home. Hopefully he'd be back from the studio by now, which reminds me- I never got the chance to thank Duff for taking care of me in my drunken stupor.

I put the car in drive and made a U- turn to head back to the guys' house.



I was awakened slowly by the sound of the front door shutting and then high heels clicking on the linoleum. It had to be a chick.

I listened as she moved through the house systematically, opening door after door until the only one left was mine. She didn't bother to knock, probably because she wasn't expecting anyone to be here. When she noticed I was indeed here, she corrected herself.

"Fuck. Sorry Slash. I didn't think anyone was here." she said nervously, tucking a strand of hair into her ballerina bun.

"Ana? What the hell are you wearing?" I questioned. I almost didn't recognize her when she walked in primarily due to this very outfit she wears before me. A tight tube- top that barely covers her large assets- and a pair of short daisy dukes. Her high heels are so high that they cause her foot to stand  nearly straight up, but they make her legs look never-ending. Her hair was pulled up and thick black eyeliner lined her pretty blue eyes. She held a wad of cash in her hand. She was beautiful, I already knew, but this outfit made her look even sexier. 

Her eyes flicked to the ground nervously. "I just got off of work. The owner hired me on the spot, and this is the uniform." she said. 

I immediately wondered what kind of place this was. It must be one of the bars. "Which restaurant?" I questioned.

"K.C's on the water." she grinned and took a seat at the foot of my bed.

My mind flashed to an image of Kasey, the owner of the place. The guys and I hang out there sometimes. Kasey was a nice lady who would let us play at the bar on occasion and we even got free drinks.

I nodded my head. "K.C's is a good place. It gets rowdy in there sometimes though. You better be careful." I warned her.

It was the truth. When Aerosmith performed there a few months ago, the fans tore the place up from inside out. They had to cancel the show mid-performance.

"A better band is supposed to come in tomorrow night. They scheduled me to work. I'll keep that in mind." she smiled, and a silence ensued.

I watched her inspect her nail beds like they were the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Where is everyone?" she finally interrupted 

"The last time I saw them was a few hours ago when Steven came in to tell me they were going to go record for a few hours. If I'd have to bet, I'd say their still down there." I offered.

"Have you talked to Axl today?" she questioned.

"I got home early this morning and I've been asleep ever since. Sorry, Ana." I told her.

"Do you think I should go down there? I've never been in the studio before." she announced.

I thought for a second. "I was going to head down there anyway. I can come with you if you want." I offered.

"That would be good, Slash. Thanks." she smiled.

"Just give me a few minutes to get dressed and then we can go." 

I watched her walk slowly out of my bedroom, and truthfully, I couldn't help but watch her hips swing as she walked. Lord what a woman. Axl was a lucky man, but he really had to be careful. He wasn't the only one who had his eyes on her. 

I put on a clean shirt and pants and slid my boots on. I didn't want to keep Ana waiting for too long.

I stepped out into the living room and grabbed my guitar off of the table. "Ready to go, Ana?" I questioned.

"Yeah, give me one second" she called back from the kitchen. 

She emerged a few moments later with a plate of cookies, fresh out of the oven. I was happy to see she decided not to change, but she did put on a cropped jean jacket. 

"Can we stop at the store? I'm out of cigarettes." she asked.

"Of course." I answered.

After stopping at the store for cigarettes and booze, we heading for the studio. It wasn't too far away from the house. 

I pushed the door open and said hello to the owner of the place, whose name was John.

I walked to our booth, where Steven sat with the sound guy. Inside the recording booth was Axl, Duff, and Izzy. They were in the middle of a take.

"Just give them a second to finish this take." I told Ana.

We watched Axl belt out the lyrics, with Izzy and Duff waiting to harmonize behind him, if need be.

"She's got eyes of the bluest skies, As if they thought of rain

I'd hate to look into those eyes And see an ounce of pain

Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place, Where as a child I'd hide

And pray for the thunder and the rain,To quietly pass me by

Woah-oh-oh-Sweet child o' mine

Woah-oh-oh-oh- Sweet love of mine"

"Alright, we need to record the part before this again. It doesn't flow. And we still have at least three more songs to put lyrics on tonight." Axl said, pulling his cans off his ears. When he noticed Anastasia standing next to me, a smile lit up on his face. He looked her up and down like a hyena stalking his prey.

"Hey Ana, baby." he cooed, admiring her scantily clad body.

I watched as Ana pressed the button on the sound board that allowed the control room to speak with the recording booth.

"Hi Axl." she said, blushing bright red. 

Suddenly, Axl wasn't too concerned about the songs we had to get finished tonight. He came right out of the booth and cornered Ana up against the wall. 

They were whispering back and forth things I couldn't hear, but I noticed that behind Axl, Duff was getting agitated, and I knew exactly why. 

"Alright, can we get this last part down? We've been in here for hours. I'm fucking tired." Duff spat.

Axl was getting really touchy, fishing his hands farther and farther up Ana's shorts. She swatted him away, and I just barely caught what she whispered rather loudly in his ear. 

"Hurry up and get this over with so we can go home." she smiled, planting a kiss on Axl's lips.

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