Chapter Fourteen

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"What... Where am I?" Raug's voice asked uncertainly. Then a sudden realisation hit him as his memories came flooding back. Did they kill Nixon?

"Nixon!" He shouted desperately.

He sat up so fast his head began to spin. Groaning, he closed his eyes until the feeling had passed.

"What happened to my son, Javin? Answer me!" Lucifer sat on a chair not far from where Raug lay on the polished wooden floor, looking absolutely furious.

Raug gulped. This was the same man who had made him half demon, the same man he hated with a raging passion. But they both had a common goal, getting Nixon back.

"I... I don't know exactly. We were walking through the woods... We were ambushed by fallen angels, they took Nixon. Oh my god, they took him! We have to go and get him!" Raug tried standing up, but his legs failed him, forcing him to sit back down.

Lucifer glared at him. "This is your fault, Javin. If you hadn't taken Nixon away he would still be here, safe!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but he's my mate, like it or not. Thank you for saving me, though I suppose"

"Don't you dare to thank me! I only saved you because I thought you'd know where my son was, which you did. Now I'm going to get him myself and you're going to stay here!"

Lucifer got up and headed for the door, glancing back to make sure Raug wasn't following him. He'd ordered the guards to kill the boy after he left. He was a liability, and he wasn't about to let him mate with Nixon.

He was going to protect his son at all costs.

Raug had already tried to take his son away and do that once, he wasn't about to let it happen again.

"Stay here, got it? I'm not going to let you touch Nixon again!" Lucifer shouted over his shoulder.

"That's what you think" Raug mumbled. The door slammed shut.


Ash didn't come back that day. Not that Nixon knew if it was daytime or not, his cell was underground.

The most exciting thing that happened was the guards changing shifts. And you could hardly call that exciting.

"That's Lucifer's son?" A brunette female guard whispered to a blonde male.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe. I mean, he's so scrawny!" The male whispered back. "Apparently, his mate was Raug Javin! That was before Ash killed him, though"

"No way! The guy must be pissed about that, Ash better be careful..." The female responded.

"Please! The kid has nothing on Ash!" The man scoffed.

Nixon growled at the mention of Raug. "I can hear you, you know"

The guards fell silent.

Then, without warning, the male was thrown against the wall.

"Samiel!" the woman shrieked, running over to the fallen man.

"Quick! While they're distracted..." The bars of Nixon's cell were prised apart, the sound making Nixon glance up.

"Father! Is that you?" Nixon asked excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. Just when he thought all hope was lost, his father came to save him!

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