Chapter Twenty

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The scarce rays of sunshine that managed to break through the thick canopy of trees woke Raug the next morning before Nixon, to his delight. Nixon's sleeping face was buried in his chest, mouth wide open. He looked so cute and vulnerable laying there, making Raug remember the previous night again, in detail.

He chuckled to himself, shuffling away from his mate slightly so he could wake him up with a kiss. What a lovely way to wake up.

He gazed at Nixon's adorable sleeping face for a while longer before he covered his mouth with his own. Nixon's eyes flashed open, and he jumped in surprise.

Raug grinned and moved away, but not before he saw something that confused him, lines of worry creasing his now serious face.

Nixon saw Raug's forehead scrunch up and his lips purse, and wondered what was wrong. Was he having second thoughts?

"What is it, Raug?" He asked cautiously, dreading the response.

Raug shook his head slightly, then answered. "It's your eyes, I swear one was green and one was almost black. Now they're both green again"

Also confused now, Nixon got up slowly and went to look in the bathroom mirror, Raug following closely behind.

Sure enough, both his eyes were the bright green they used to be. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but he was certain it wasn't normal.

A demon's eyes are black, and if the demon goes through the awakening, they keep only one of their previously coloured eyes. His father had explained that. So why were his now both green again?

Raug appeared in the mirror behind him. "I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it's because you mated with me? But you're still half demon and half angel, I can sense it through our bond"

Nixon sighed, and turned at face Raug. He had forgotten, in his joy at finally being with Raug, that there was a war on. But he remembered now.

"So, what do we do now?" Nixon asked. "There's still a war on, you know"

Raug sighed as well at being reminded. "I know, but I've been doing a lot of thinking, coming up with ideas to try and end this thing. You want to know something else? Technically, I'm an angel and the eldest son of Lord Feros, the Head Archangel. And you're technically a demon, and the only son of Lucifer, Leader of the Demons. And we're mates"

"Yeah, and?" Nixon still didn't know where Raug was going with the conversation.

"What do you mean 'yeah and?' We're living proof angels and demons can get along, and we're the eldest -and only in your case- sons of the leaders of the opposing sides in the war! We can end this, Nixon! We can end this before it even really begins, before too many die!"

Nixon's mouth opened wide at Raug's speech. He could be right. Maybe they could end this feud once and for all.

"So, do we go to the angels or the demons first?" Raug asked Nixon.

"We should get the leaders together" Nixon suggested, not liking the idea of seeing Feros or his father right now.

"Good idea. I'll get my father and you get yours. But leave a note, don't let them see you. Then we meet here at 3am tomorrow, sound good?" Raug asked, the plan formulating in his mind as he talked. This could really work!

Nixon whimpered at the thought of being parted from Raug, even for a day. Raug sensed his anxiety, and hugged the smaller boy.

Nixon inhaled his sweet scent and buried his face into Raug's chest.

"It'll be okay, it's only for a day" he said, bending down and placing a kiss on Nixon's forehead before pulling away.

And with that, they both went on their separate journeys later that day, hoping their plan would work. Because if it didn't, they were risking not only their own lives but the lives of two entire species. Wars were destructive things, and most of the time, fighting was not the answer.
I don't think there will be many more chapters, and I'm sorry this one was so short.

The Demon's Curse (BXB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें