Chapter Twelve

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"Where are we going?" Nixon asked Raug curiously. They'd been walking for a good thirty minutes in silence through a gloomy forest, after exiting the demons' home. Not that either boy minded, each other's company was enough. When they were together, their souls seemed to sing.

"Away from all this" was Raug's response, which was enough for Nixon.

After a moment of silence, Nixon spoke up again. "I'm sorry about my father, he seems to really hate angels. I thought he'd accept that you were my mate, but I was wrong. I'm sorry"

Raug sighed quietly. "It's okay. I've had the same problem. I told my father you were my mate and he said it wasn't natural, that he wouldn't allow it. But we're the same, really. We've both been wronged"

Nixon scrunched his face up, trying to understand what Raug meant by 'we've both been wronged'

"What do you mean by we've both been wronged?" he asked eventually.

"The same thing that happened to you happened to me, but at the hands of your father. Would you like me to tell you about it?" Raug asked, unsure if Nixon wanted to hear about an experience that was probably painfully similar to his. Maybe he didn't want to relive it so soon.

"Please tell me, Raug. I want to know everything about you, good and bad"

With Nixon's permission, he began.

"I was born into the most powerful family among angels, the Javin family. I have two half brothers, Calum and Sebastian, and a half sister, Maria. I was the first born, therefore the most powerful. The angels and the demons were always fighting, disagreeing with one another. I didn't care much, as I didn't think it affected me. But I was wrong" his expression became pained for a moment as he recalled what had happened to him. When he had regained his composure, he continued.

"I was 19, walking in the forest when they took me, the demons. They'd been planning my capture for months, and it went exactly as planned. My father had personally killed many of their young, and they wanted revenge, rightfully so. My father was in the wrong"

Raug paused for a moment, seeing Nixon look at him, pity filling the boy's eyes.

"It's one thing killing demons, but children, demon or not, is a totally different thing. It's disgusting. So to get back at my father, they took me while I was turning. My mother was a human named Lucy Rae. My father fell in love with her and they had me, which was against the law. Before anyone found out, my father left my mother and married an angel woman called Valery Enfadil, to cover his tracks. He pretended I was hers, and hid me away in a house in the forest until I had awakened so no one would know. At least, that was the plan. As I said, I was taking a walk when they took me. They knocked me out, and when I came around I was restrained to a wall in a cell"

Raug stopped again, looking down to see if Nixon was okay. He saw that the boy was sobbing quietly, tears flowing from his beautiful eyes. The sight of Nixon crying pained him, and his own eyes began to water a little.

"Shh, it's okay Nixon. I'll stop, I'm sorry"

To Raug's surprise Nixon shook his head. "No, it's okay. I want to hear this. I just wish it hadn't happened to someone nice like you. You're not like your father at all"

Raug felt his own eyes begin to tear up even further, and he quickly started talking again before he had chance to cry.

"Two men were in the cell with me, holding needles. Some held a clear liquid while some were blood red. I was injected with the clear liquid and I passed out. I woke up back in my house in the woods, and it was like nothing had happened. Except I felt different, more powerful. And a presence I wasn't used to now shared my body with now. I have come to realise it is the demon side of of me, but I've had time to get used to it, and it's not so bad. Except I don't truly belong anywhere anymore"

Nixon looked up at him and spoke in a reassuring voice, holding Raug's face gently.

"You belong with me, Raug"

Sorry that it's so short and was a bit of an information overload, I just wanted to update for you lovely readers ❤️

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