Chapter Sixteen

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The second they arrived at the demon's underground city, Lucifer turned on Raug.

"What the fuck have you done to my son?! He's clinging to you like a newborn baby would to their mother!" He snapped angrily, glaring at the red haired boy.

Raug shrugged. "He may be your son, but he's also my mate and I love him"

"Don't fight..." Nixon mumbled quietly through the haze covering his brain like a blanket. Nobody heard him, and his body felt too heavy to move.

"My son needs to see a doctor, can't you see he's sick! Give him to me, he's not yours. I'll look after him" Lucifer said, gritting his teeth. His patience for Raug was quickly wearing thin.

"If I may, I would like to see him to the doctor. And stay by his side until he has recovered. You have to let me have this much, at least"

Just as Lucifer was about to reply, Morte butted in.

"I'm sorry sir, but both boys would suffer severe mental problems if you separate them now. They've developed strong, unbreakable ties within a short period of time. It would be unwise to try and break them" Morte piped up, being quickly silenced with a glare from Lucifer. Lucifer turned to address Raug.

"Morte, you are dismissed" he made a sound of annoyance. "Fine, Javin. You may bring him, and stay until he is on the way to recovery. Not a moment longer"


"Is he going to be okay?" Raug whispered, clutching Nixon's unresponsive form closer to him.

"I need you to put him down on the bed, Mr Javin. We need to give him several medications to neutralise the poison in his bloodstream" one of the nurses told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Can't you do it while I'm holding him? Does it really make that big a difference?" Raug retorted sharply.

"Put my boy down, Javin. That's an order" Lucifer spoke from the corner of the room, where he sat in a white, uncomfortable looking plastic chair.

The sight was almost laughable.

Raug placed a kiss on Nixon's clammy forehead before reluctantly laying him down carefully on the crisp, pristine, white sheets of the hospital bed.

His actions earned him a low warning growl from Nixon's father.

"It's bad enough my son is in love with a male, never mind the fact that it's you of all people" he paused for a moment to lock eyes with Raug. "Don't push your limits, boy. And don't get too attached, I plan to find him a pretty demon bride to mate with since he hasn't actually formed a full bond with you yet"

Raug snarled at him, showing his teeth. "If you think I'm going to give up on him just because you say so, you're sorely mistaken. I still intend to make him mine" he interlocked his fingers with Nixon's.

"If you even dare to try, I'll kill you and your family! You don't have my blessing" Lucifer shot back.

"Well, isn't it a shame that my family practically disowned me and I don't really care about them. As for if you killed me, your son would never forgive you"

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