Chapter Nine

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"My Lord" Huxley murmured respectfully, bowing his head as he entered. Nixon still lay curled up in his arms, fast asleep.

The head Archangel Feros sat upon his throne in the centre of the room, surrounded by the other Archangels. There were seven of the altogether, all stood around a rectangular, bloodstained table. They stood tall, looking slightly intimidating. But then again, they always did.

Lord Feros signalled for Huxley to come over.

"Bring the child and lay him on the table, Huxley" he commanded, with no room for negotiation.

Huxley did as he wished, walking over quickly before gently laying the still sleeping Nixon on the table.

But just after he did he saw several needles laid out on the far side of the table near Lord Feros. He gasped in surprise, his eyes going wide in recognition and shock. Memories flooded back to him.

"What are you doing! Get off me you monsters! I want my daddy!" I shouted at the horrific creatures in front of me, my eyes burning with anger and fear. They were trying to alter me in some way, that's what they had said.

"My dear boy, this is what's best for you. You belong with us, not with scum like your father. Your potential is too great to waste!" Lord Feros had cried eagerly., securing me to the table that was covered with dry blood. "Get on with it, then!"

He'd waved his hand, and three men advanced on me with needles full of various coloured liquids...

I shook my head, freeing myself of the memory. I'd only just started my transition, and I'd resented Lord Feros for a long time. By now, I'd forgiven him. It wasn't my nature to hold grudges.

"Forgive me my Lord, but you're not going to hurt him, are you?" Huxley asked quietly.

Lord Feros looked at him dangerously, daring him to question his actions further. "Huxley, I'm only going to do for him as I did for you. Except afterwards I'm going to send him back to the demons, like the demons did to us with Raug"

"But you can't! He's too far along the process to become an angel! It'll kill him!" Huxley shouted, forgetting for a second who he was talking to.

Realisation at what he'd just done washed over him like a tidal wave, and he took at step back. "I'm sorry, my Lord. Please forgive me for my foolish words"

To his surprise, Lord Feros smiled, understanding. "It's okay Huxley, I understand your concern. Even if he is destined to become a demon, at least in part, he's still your half brother and you still care for him. Am I wrong?"

Huxley shook his head. "No, you're not wrong my Lord. Please excuse me for asking, but I noticed you said something about him being a demon in part. What did you mean by that?"

"Ah, yes. That concerns what we are to do now. We plan to subdue the genetics that are stimulating his awakening, then inject him with some of our blood. This won't make him an angel like it did for you as he's too far along the process of change for that. But it will make him half angel half demon, better that than him being a full demon, don't you think?"

Huxley nodded, relief flooding through him. They weren't going to kill his Nixon. Even though his little half brother shall never know they are related, he wanted to keep him safe, despite his demonic heritage. Anyway, he'd rather remain unknown to him, it was for the best. They were from two different worlds.

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