"Oh...well there is a ceremony just like a human would have. Only few are allowed to attend. There you will exchange our traditional vows and then you will exchange words vowing to protect and assist him in running the kingdom. After that you will trade necklaces. They are made with a magical metal. Your initials along with two golden wolves will be the charm on the necklace and you will never be able to take it off. Then...we will feast. In some cases you will run into the woods together; and we will all follow. He will then mark you..Then...um..." She trailed off an I glared at her.

"Continue, please."

She cleared her throat. "You will...come back to the palace where you will wait for the King to come back with any type of animal that he has just hunted down. That will be his gift to you. Claiming that he can provide for you as a mate. Then...well you two will consummate the marriage and create the bond with you." She said the last part quickly.

"Anything else?" I whispered.

"Well since you are a virgin, the sheet will be hung from the palace window, and everyone will know what has occurred. Then you two will spend a week locked in the room. Of course food and drink will be provided...but you will be together to ensure an heir to the throne."

I gulped. My stomach hurt. Just imagining us...doing such intimate activities in a week just didn't sit right with me. "Do you think he will follow the traditions? We barely know each other to...to do such things," I feared.

Chelsea have me a pitied look. "Our King...well I am not quite sure," she said while I internally groaned. "Well there is always hope. I know he will try to make everything as comfortable as possible for you," she smiled as we arrived at the courtyard.

It was beautiful. Greenery and flowers everywhere. A little garden maze. Statues of beasts lined the courtyard, making it eerily beautiful. In the distance I saw a tall and stoic man. He was looking ahead, frowning. My eyes traveled to what he as staring at.

Loud piercing children's laughs floated to my ears. Eddie and the little girl Sarah were playing near a large fountain. The smile that graced Eddie's fave was...the upmost peaceful and touching thing I have seen since coming here. It instantly lifted my spirit.

We walked quickly over to Rowan who was staring intensely at the two children playing. He took his job very, very serious. "Ladies."

"Hi Rowan," I said as an irritated look crossed his features as I heard he little girl Sarah giggle loudly. "We can take over watching them if you would like," I offered as he shook his head.

"No," he said as I watched his eyes wander over to Chelsea. His eyes weren't just focusing on her body...but her face. I took a glance at her and realized she was looking straight ahead with cheeks reddening.

"Sarah is getting more older as the days go on," she said while clearing her throat.

I watched Rowan slowly nod his head, as his lingering gaze slowly turned to the little servant. "I suppose," he said curtly.

"Rowan we need help!" Eddie called over to him. He quickly walked away, and I glanced at Chelsea who seemed to be looking extremely pained. That was...odd.

"Why does he always chose to watch them? If he's so important why doesn't someone lesser take the job of watching them?" I questioned. Rowan was basically a Prince and he was on nanny duty. It made no sense to me. Chelsea looked down. My eyes narrowed. "Tell me, Chelsea."

Chelsea leaned into me, looking more a bit nervous. I got nervous in turn, but leaned in closer to the woman. "Well...you see little Sarah is Rowan's mate."

I stood back frowning. "And a mate is, what exactly?"

Chelsea looked at me as if I were a mad woman. "Just as you are the King's mate?" I shook my head. I was the King's friend? Certainly not. "Oh...okay. A mate is someone's other half. It is like someone soul mate. In our world, every wolf is born with well I guess you could say half a soul. They need to find their other half, the one who completes them. The King has found you. You complete him, and Rowan has found....Sarah."

My mind hurt. I was entirely confused. "So, I will be the King's wife and not mate? He has one already?"

She shook her head. "No...no! You are his mate that is why he is marrying you. Our wolves..they know when someone is our other half by their smell."

"So...when you find your mate, you get married to them?"

Chelsea nodded, her eyes darting to the floor once again. "Ah...yes. Essentially yes."

I nodded slowly...then something dawned on me. "Rowan can't marry Sarah! She's just a child!"

Chelsea cracked a small smile. "Oh he knows that. He's waiting till she turns 16 or 17 then he will uh...claim her. Claiming-"

"-Stop, please. I don't think I can take anymore explanations. I need time to process it all," I admitted as she respectfully nodded her head.

Eddie bounded over to me smiling with a toy in his hand. "Esme, when will mom and papa be back? They would like it here! They would like Sarah too!"

A pang in my heart made my chest clench. "Eddie mother and father...they're aren't coming back. They had to go to Heaven to help rule up there," I said tight lipped as I suddenly think Eddie sort of understood.

Tears sprung on his eyes. "B-but God already rules up there!"

I took a deep breath. "I know...but sometimes God needs a little help. He has a lot of stuff to do up there...like helping the Angels. Mother and father are helping the Angels."

Tears fell from his little cheeks as his mind attempted to wrap around this situation. "S-so they're Angels?"

I nodded. "Yes..."

"Well...they're my Angels right?"

"Yes...even though you can't see them they're always with you, okay Eddie?"

I watched him sniffle and wipe his face on his sleeve. "Can I go back and play now?"

I bent down and gave him a large squeeze filled hug, before he almost passed out then set him down. "You can go play."

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed, I won't be updating for probly a few weeks so that's why I'm doing it today. Also today's my birthday😁 hope you guys enjoyed! Till next time!

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