Chapter Eighteen

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Sawyer has been calling all day and I've neglected to answer the phone. I don't have the energy to relay the fights, I just want to sit in my room and blare music so loud that I don't have to hear Cynthia laughing or my dad flirting. Gag me.

Honestly, I haven't left my room in 2 days and I'm perfectly fine with that. I have a stash of chocolate and fruit snacks in my closet, I can live off of it for another few days.

My phone rings again and I let it. After a few minutes an unfamiliar ding catches my attention, Sawyer left me a voicemail. I pick up the phone, debating listening to it. Deciding I should just listen I call the mail box and select his message.

"Tilly? What's going on? You wont answer the phone...was it something I did? Please call me back. I got invited to this party and I haven't been to one yet this summer. I really want you to come. Call me babe okay? I love you"

The voicemail cuts off and I set the phone down. I love you plays in my head over and over again. Sighing I pick up the phone and call him.

"Tilly! Okay i'm so glad you called me. You were freaking me out, seriously I was about to do a house check. Oh wait, are you mad at me?"

"Sawyer calm down" I giggle into the phone "Ive just been catching up on sleep, that's all. It is summer babe"

"Okay good" I hear the relief in his voice. "So, you wanna go to that party with me?"

I'm silent for a good thirty seconds before he interjects, "Till?"

"Its not my scene Sawyer" I say

"Come on, it'll be fun" he whines

"Well whose party?" I ask

"Ben Dashel"

"Sawyer thats gonna be beer and sex and drugs. No i'm not going and you shouldn't either"

both ends are silent

"You weren't planning on sex tonight were you?"

"God no Tilly. Just some drinks some music some fun" he tries to make it sound like a good time.

"I don't drink"

"fine, forget it"

"don't be mad"




"i'm not. But I gotta go. I have apparently had a change in plans"




I haven't talked to anyone in three freaking days. Ava's mad at me, my father is mad at me, Sawyer is mad at me. Ugh how did I make everyone I love mad at me in 48 hours?

Against my better judgment I go strolling down the stairs to get some breakfast, good ole' off brand cocoa puffs, and I run into a 5ft stack of boxes. I peek around the corner of them to find more and more filling the hallway. I maneuver my way through the maze of boxes and find my dad and Cynthia in the living room unpacking a box of couch pillows and matching curtains.

"What the actual hell is going on here?" I ask, staring sharply at my father.

"Matilda please, language" my father lectures

I glare at him, "Tell me".

My fathers face flushes, Cynthia looks concerned. "Matilda, Cynthia is moving in"

"Shes your girlfriend" I interrupt

"Peter, I knew this wasn't a good idea" Cynthia says quietly

"No my daughter is being ridiculous" he argues.

"You never tell me anything! You never said when you starting seeing her, or dating her or when she was coming to our house. You said nothing to me, you never do! I barley know this women!" I yell with everything I have.

My father opens his mouth but Cynthia speaks first, "she has a point Peter"

We both look at her, "we haven't spoken much and I wouldn't want a strange women living in my house either. And you don't tell her anything. Communication was a part of your plan you know" she says, looking at my father.

"What plan?" I ask cautiously.

"I think it's time we tell her who I am" she says.

My brain feels like its going to explode.

In the next hour I learn a lot about my dad and Cynthia. I learn that my dad had extreme guilt after he cut me and he had to see a grief counselor between me and my mother, the guilt was too much. He met Cynthia when he went to group therapy sessions. She was the leader and she helped him let go of a lot of guilt, anger and grief. After a while they started to develop a relationship outside of therapy sessions, one thing led to another and they fell in love. I found out he proposed to her but she wouldn't accept without getting permission from all three of his daughters.

As the story went I became more angry at my father and less of a stranger to Cynthia. She had my father tell me about the guilt he had for cutting me. We both ended up crying. I suppose it wasn't such a bad thing.

The pow wow finally comes to an end and I decide to take my feeling to my room. I get on twitter to distract myself and see the biggest party of the year is tonight. Everyone in this town is going, Sawyer will be there I'm sure.

Maybe I will surprise him...


Short and choppy and lots of talking, but I set somethings up and cleared others.

Excited for the next chapter! I wont take forever, Ill try real hard to get it up in the next few days. Luckily i'm on spring break :)

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Love you all

xoxo, Issy

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