Chapter One

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I walk into my history class right as the bell rings and take a quick seat behind my friend Ava. "Who's idea was it to put my fourth and fifth period across campus?" I whisper, pulling out my journal. Ava laughs and opens her mouth, but the teacher talks first.

"Today" he says "we are starting a partner project"

High-fives go through the room, Ava turns and smiles at me, I nod my head. "no,no,no" the teacher, Mr. Stewert, waves his hands, "I will be assigning".

The whole class groans.

Mr. Stewert starts naming off partners, then I hear, "Matilda and Sawyer"

"No!" I say a little louder than anticipated, Sawyer looks at me from across the room, a stupid grin on his face.

"Mr. Stewert, please call me Tilly" I say for the millionth time. "If your name was Tilly it would say so on this paper I have, but it says Matilda therefore that is your name" he says, also for the millionth time. Its not my fault my parents gave me a super old and embarrassing name.

I think about how I have to partner project with Sawyer again and I throw my head back. "no, this can't be happening" I say quietly. Ava turns around and tries to give me a sympathetic look but she starts to grin.

I roll my eyes, what a wonderful best friend she is. He goes on to explain the assignment, it seems slightly extensive. I try to listen since the chances of getting Sawyer Dawson to do work are slim to none.

Mr. Stewert then goes on to lecture about World War Two, which actually spikes interest in my. I like history, I dislike Mr. Stewert.

I open my notebook and title the heading 'WWII Lecture Part One'.

The lecture begins and I listen intently, scribbling down points I want to remember.

When the lecture concludes I have a page and a half of notes and am very satisfied with them.

I glare across the room at Sawyer and the bells rings. Ava and I gather our stuff and walk out of the classroom.

I open my locker and throw my stuff inside. "Tilly, you can't seriously tell me you're not even a little bit excited you get to be with Sawyer Dawson?" Ava asks, a smile on her face. "no" I say, grabbing my lunch and slamming my locker shut. "I get to spend the next two weeks trying to force him to help me".

"he's coming!" Ava says.

I look over my shoulder and there he is, high and mighty Sawyer, walking over to me. I suddenly become self conscious of my scar, it's a slightly large mark across my left cheek. If there is one thing I hate about my appearance, that would be it.

"so" he starts "this is how it's gonna go sweet thang. You do the dumb project and put my name on it. Simple".

This makes me so mad, I turn around and look him straight in the eyes. "um, no. You will help me with this project. We can do it at my place if you want. Does tomorrow work?" Sawyer looks a bit taken by my response, but i'm not about to get this kid an A when he did nothing.

He smiles a crooked smile, "okay...tomorrow", then he walks away, back to his friends, back to his life all about him.

When I turn back around Ava's jaw is to the floor, "oh. my. just told off Sawyer-" "yeah, yeah, yeah, Dawson. I was there. Let's go". I drag Ava to the lunch room prepared for a lunch hour of talking about Sawyer Dawson.

The rest of the school day zips by and I finally can leave the school, aka the land of Sawyer Dawson. It's not like he is a super popular nice guy or jock or that he had all this cool rich stuff. He is just hot. And that's it.

I drive home and stash my keys into the basket by the front door.
"Matilda is that you?" I hear my dad call.
"yeah" I say walking into the living room. "I'm having a person come over tomorrow to work on a project for school" I say.
"Alright, I'll be at work" he replies, still looking at the television.
"Yep, nice chat dad" I say and walk up to my room.
I swear I can't remember the last time my dad and I had a conversation outside of 'alright. Okay.'
We aren't much of a pair.

A/N: Hey guys!
Hope you are enjoying and if so please remember to vote! Feedback is always appreciated :)

xoxo - Issy

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