Chapter Fifteen

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I walk into my house, ready to race up to my room to get ready for Sawyer. That is until I see my father standing there looking at me.

"Where were you?" he demands.

"Out" I say, folding my arms across my body.

"Taking my car without permission is not acceptable Matilda!" he shouts,

"And sleeping with your girlfriend is?" I fire back.


"I know what it means when you take food upstairs dad I am not stupid. Why did she stay here last night?" I ask sternly.

"She was locked out of her apartment, so I let her crash here" he says.

"And that's fine but we have a guest room and a couch and floor and a porch! Any of those would be perfectly suitable not your bed!" I yell.

"I am an adult, do not tell me what to do with my girlfriend" he says rough and stern.

"You are cheating on mom! She would never, ever approve of this. She wants you to be happy but she would want you to be committed to a new person. Not just having flings with hot women, you are not in college, you are a father!" I scream, I can feel my face turning red.


"No. I'm done" I say and head upstairs shutting my door behind me.

I grab my backpack and dump all my old school stuff out of it, then I begin to fill it with everything I am going to need.

Clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, make-up, phone, charger, picture of my mother, hair-ties, a book, my emergency credit card. I look into the bag trying to think of something else I might need. I decide to shove a pack of ibuprofen in there and then I slip on my black combat boots and sneak out the front door.

This time I don't take the car. I walk. Walk the long walk to Sawyers house, which as I walk I realize I have never been to except when he needs to run and get something. I remember when he tried to impress me with the house thing. I shake my head, he can be too full of himself sometimes.

My legs grow tired as I reach Sawyers neighborhood but my energy lights at the sight of his house. I run into the yard and look for the big tree Sawyer says is outside his window. It's how he sneaks in and out of the house, or so he tells me.

I find the tree and begin to climb the branches, limb by limb. I hoist myself up onto a higher branch and I catch a glimpse of blue bedding through Sawyers half closed blinds. Carefully I stand up on the branch and try to step onto the roof.

The branch snaps.

I let out a scream as I latch onto the siding of the house. Sawyers window opens as he sees me, dangling.

"Tilly what are you doing?" he asks.

"Help me!" I whisper my scream.

He pops the screen out of his window and crawls out onto roof, "okay hang on. You can do this" he says.

"Listen, on the count of three you are going to let go with your right hand and I am going to grab it. At that time you are also going to swing your body so you can push off the trunk of the tree and I am going to pull you on to the roof got it?" He asks, explaining smoothly.

"Yeah okay" I say nodding my head, utterly terrified.

"Okay. One, Two, Three!"

I do what Sawyer said and as he pulls my up he somersaults backwards through the window, landing us on his bed. Me awkwardly on top of him.

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